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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by markush

  1. Sure you can. Did it at Proskate balance and everything was perfect.
  2. Would you think the majority is using a 9' or 10' radius ? Just as a pointer for me :)
  3. Any idea what radius most NHL players use? This very interesting chart doesn't tell it exaclty: http://i.imgur.com/LR4Hi9rh.jpg
  4. What will be the difference in skating performance / overall feel between a 9 and 10 radius? I heard that Bauer will obviously offer black coated versions of LS3 steel - do you think this is likely?
  5. Two questions: is the Fusion runners in the new APX2 the same radius/pitch as the LS3? Any news of replacement runners from Blackedge or Step for the new lightspeed Edge holders?
  6. Any idea why The APX2 is cut lower - is this due to the New lacing system?
  7. Any experience so far how the Mako skates compare to APX2 and TotalOne NXG ?
  8. Great to hear about the TotalONE NXG pant - eager to hear more. Any timeline about further details / availability? Does the APX2 have more padding than the APX? To many it felt uncomfortable on the inside (compared to the former X60 as top model) and hence were switching to the TotalOne NXG. How does the APX2 compare to the NXG in terms of fit / performance / agility?
  9. Is the Apx2 as stiff as the Apx? Liked the X60 when it came out - but felt the APX was to stiff (almost like a skiing boot). Second: Will there be a Total One NXG pant ?
  10. Any info out so far concerning the differnce between the current vapor XXXX and the new X-60 skates?
  11. Will there be a new Supreme One 95 skate too?
  12. What further customizing options are there available? And what is the additional price, let's say for a Vapor XXXX when ording the customized version?
  13. April 10 Vapor X:60, Vapor X;50, Vapor X:40, all Supreme and all Flexlite June 15 Vapor X:30, Vapor X:20, Vapor X:15, Vapor X:05 Oh, great to hear! Are there any further details available somewhere?
  14. April 10 Which new skates will there to be presented?
  15. Any idea when new skates will be released?
  16. What is the difference between the 2008 and 2009 model of the 9k skate?
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