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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. My impatience got the better of me and I ordered 14" Surgeons shin guards online without trying them on. Shops around me either weren't getting them, or weren't sure when they were getting them. I'm 5'9" 170lbs and I think I have fairly big calves. I'm currently in 15" TotalOnes which I thought fit pretty good, but they were sliding around on me occasionally. I also thought the TotalOnes are pretty bulky and I was looking for something less bulky. So my first impression on the Surgeons was that they weren't as deep as my TotalOnes. In my old shins, I don't really have to stretch the calf straps to get them around my calves, and the pad basically wraps around my entire calf. The Surgeons were much more shallow I thought, and the calf straps barely stretched around my calves. I like the feel of the 360 wraps, but I can imagine the 2 foot strap getting annoying in my bag. The liner is removable, and the material feels comfortable, but HOT and not very breathable (Maybe this is because they're much more snug than my old shins?). The pads have 2 vents in the outer shell so maybe being in the rink and skating around will be better for this. I have roller on Saturday which there is no way I will wear these, but I have ice on Sunday so I'll give an update after that. Also, I was in 15" TotalOnes which I thought were maybe borderline too big and wanted to downsize. When I got these 14" shins, the outer shell was actually bigger than my TotalOnes, but the overall height of the TotalOnes is larger with the thigh guard. Another thing, the thigh guard on the Surgeons might be perfect height for me that they get stuck on my pants every time I bend my knees.
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