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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About michael.yue

  • Birthday 12/08/1991


  • Skates
    Nike Bauer Vapor XXXX
  • Hockey Bag
    MIA/Warrior Pro
  • Shin Pads
    Reebok 10k
  • Elbow Pads
    RBK/Jofa 8K Pro, Stealth 999
  • Shoulder Pads
    CCM U+ 09, Stealth S9
  • Pants
    CCM Pro stock (Kamloops Blazers), Reebok 7k, Eagle X88
  • Helmet
    V10 fm480 cage, Bauer 4500 w/ Bauer Pro straight cut, Nike Bauer 8500
  • Gloves
    Bauer 4 rolls, XXXX pro, XXX, Eagle PPF
  • Stick
    Sjostrom Pro stock One95 x2, Bourque Pro stock SE16, Satan Pro stock U+x2. Stock CNT, Vapor XXX lite x2

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  • Location
    Calgary, Alberta
  • Gender

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  1. Is that a three dimensional helmet sticker?
  2. WOW! Those are pretty good!!
  3. What were the prices like for the new gear? Team Canada had one a little while ago. Unfortunately, I heard about it too late and wasn't able to attend.
  4. I see every single thing you post here on ebay 2 days later.
  5. s Do they have this sale every year?!
  6. I have no idea what this whole advanced thing means. Anyone care to explain it?
  7. I do! I actually got them from a seller on ebay, but I'm assuming he got them from RDL. They haven't come in yet but odds are I'll get charged the same for customs. I think it'll be worth it though, still way cheaper than buying retail and plus I was pretty excited to find exactly what I wanted.
  8. I have 3 of those headed my way right now. So excited!!
  9. It's definitely just you
  10. It was a long chain of I got in contact with someone who got in contact with someone else and so on and so on. Many months of searching and I finally got them, so happy!!
  11. Where did you pick these up?
  12. They definitely feel bigger than my CCM U+ 09, but not too bulky. Very comfortable, I'm surprised with the range of motion. I was expecting them to be a little tough to move in because of the bulkiness. I got them off kijiji from a guy who bought them at the Oilers sale.
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