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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Leafsrule16

  1. No problem, they run a bit short though, im 5'10 and 180 and i wear a large and there still kinda short, but then again im literally all body. Cant wait to get on the ice again after being off for awhile just because the farrells are so damn comfortable.
  2. Roughly april, dont quote me on that one though . My custom warrior franchise gloves, pro packing with tufftek and carbon combo
  3. Amazing, try them once if they fit you, you wont want to go back.
  4. Heres my custom franchises, in team colors There tufftek and carbon with pro inserts.
  5. Helmet - Bauer 5500 with a ccm 480 cage, Vector 10 with a 9500 cage Skates - Rbk 9k Pumps (white), Graf g9's Pants - Tackala 9000 Air Shin Pads - Rbk 8k and Mission Fuel 120's Gloves- Custom warrior franchises (just came in the day before yesterday) in black red and gold and eagle something or anothers from awhile back Sticks - One95, Couple cnt stealths, Shoulder Pads - FARRELLS! :lol: Elbow pads - Nike v14
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