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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by mack

  1. Aluminum shaft sheathed with a carbon sock. Always fun to take a slash when using one. Person slashing your stick will break theirs almost everytime.



    Kinda sorta. It's a pro stock so it's just a z-carb w/o that ridiculous focus flex.

  2. Probably a Zherdev, he has used 85 and up to the 95-100 flex that is the Kovy pro, exact same pattern as the Kovy. Aaand obviously he has used that graphics package as I have one from eBay... The seller had to sell at least 6 of them.

    I'd seen one of his too, but this one's a lot more closed than what I'd seen. Plus his at least had his name on it. I got around to getting a handle made for it and tho nothing was inside the shaft, on the bottom of it was "200313153 HDXS." I want to assume that this is just an HD repainted as an AK, but who knows with Innorrior.

  3. http://kotaku.com/5528033/new-treyarch-dev...-modern-setting

    New Treyarch Developed Call of Duty Hits Nov. 9 With Likely Modern Setting


    Early this morning a site for Call of Duty: Black Ops went live, now Activision has officially confirmed the game, saying it hits stores on Nov. 9, 2010 and will be developed by Treyarch.

    In their press release Activision calls the game, the follow-up to the biggest entertainment launch in history, which can only be Modern Warfare 2. The release says that the game will "introduce fans to the elite world of Black Ops" as the Treyarch-developed game "takes players behind enemy lines in an entirely new chapter in the groundbreaking and record-setting, No. 1 first-person action series of all-time."

    "We can't wait for our community to experience Call of Duty: Black Ops," said Mark Lamia, Studio Head for Treyarch. "We have focused our entire studio on this game, with dedicated multiplayer, single-player and co-op teams creating the most intense, gripping and riveting experience possible for our fans on all fronts."

    So that's behind enemy lines, this year, Treyarch developed and, seemingly, modern setting.

    For more information, visit http://www.callofduty.com/blackops immediately following the game's appearance on GameTrailers TV on Spike this Friday and also, via Twitter at JD_2020.


    Next Call of Duty reported to be set in Vietnam

    While the premiere of the next Call of Duty title isn't supposed to happen until later tonight on GameTrailers TV, VentureBeat is reporting that the next game will be set in the Vietnam war.

    It's fertile narrative ground, that's for sure. And something that doesn't get touched on as much as I think it should. Don't get me wrong. I love World War II. There's just so much of it already on the market that I'd like a change of pace.

    Of course, it's Treyarch, so the best you can do is pray.

  4. Hearing your in-laws going at it. Ugh. Caught a little earful of that when I snuck out for my morning run this morning and couldn't look at them. The silver lining is that when I finally could look at them, I got to put them in separate rooms as payback for all the times I had to pull couch duty when we visited.

  5. I think I still have those OG Synergys in storage. IIRC they're Nolans, RPs and a Sundin or two.

    The stick on the left is a little skewed. It's an Arnott and the tape looks to be coming off the tip, giving it that weird uncircumsized look.

    Edit: Shit, I think I could name them all L-R. Arnott, Sundin, Sundin, Doan, Arnott, RP, Nolan, RP, Sundin, Lundmark, Nolan, Arnott, Blake.

  6. Went thru old stuff from older computers and saw this. About 6 years old and tho it's showing barely any of the sticks, it's a nice reminder of when the collection wasn't so big and a wife/kids weren't around to relegate them to storage. Also remind me how shitty phone pics were in the day.


  7. I used to have a couple websites saved but now they've either been bought out or gone out of business outright, so I've stayed local and ugh, used eBay.

    Cleats are something I would not skimp out on because you will get what you pay for and your feet/comfort are writing the cheque on that.

    Batting gloves are something you can get fairly easily and if you have a local place like Champs/Sports Authority you can see what kinds fit you best. I prefer Nikes, specifically the Diamond Elite IV series that are a bitch to find.

    For gloves I prefer to use the tried and true, using the glove I pitched with and going with that. Brand-wise I stick with Rawlings and eBay is a pretty good place to find a glove. Either new or used, not a bad place to check out. If you're not looking to spend a lot of money, Nike and Rawlings make fairly decent gloves on the cheap. For the same price tho, I'd just go get a broken-in better model. Gloves are like women in that you want something that'll last but you don't want to be the one who had to do all the breaking-in.

    Bats are a tricky thing. Better that you see who has what on your team and try some different sizes out before you pick what you like. I was fortunate enough to get some bats from an Easton rep to try out before they launched (thank you if you still peruse the board) and held onto those. The downer is they can quickly become a sort of obsession like sticks with all the tinkering you can have done on them. I would also check your league's rules on what bats are legal or not because there can't be much worse than spending $$$ on a bat and finding out you won't be able to use it.

  8. wake up, check the bank statement and see 4 charges between 45-50 from iTunes I didn't make. Called the bank, they are taking care of it, killing my debit and sending me a new one, so I probably won't lose any money. Problem is I can't figure out how to get back on iTunes to shut down my account and apples support system sucks, had to call three numbers just so that a guy can tell me to send a stupid email to get anything done. Going to be tapped for cash for a few days, just praying at this point that the bank really has my back.

    I feel for you. A friend of mine got hit on there and was charged for "Chinese apps and apps on how to talk to girls." His totaled up to around $400 before they caught on.

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