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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Posts posted by mack

  1. Another thing is to make sure you're finishing low and not opening up your body. When you pivot, pivot down and stay closed. A big problem I see is guys opening up and trying to pull everything up and they just end up with spitters to the SS/2B depending on what hand they hit. It's infinitely worse in softball when guys come in thinking they can just crank it out at will.

  2. Nokona is ready to be retired and I need a new glove. Between a Nokona Bloodline and a Rawlings Primo. Anyone have a Primo or opinion of it? Closest store to me that carries them us about 2 hours away.

    Nice glove, but the price of every one I've seen hasn't justified it to me.

  3. I love it to death. This was the one that was illegal in most leagues, but it's fine in ours. I think the Synergy+ was what they changed it to.

    Had our tourney today and took 3rd. 7 games in a day was pretty damned brutal, least of all when you had only two extra guys show up.

  4. Not hard at all. It's a rec league at best but these guys are the dicks who do team cheers after games and stuff like that. After our first game, I lined one back at the pitcher after I told him I was going to line one back at him. Never pitched outside to me again.

  5. Bat: Still use a first gen Synergy and a Stealth (thanks Ryan, if you're still reading the boards) even if they're on their last legs.

    Glove: Rotate a ProTB24 (the Griffey) and a Rawlings DC601 till it breaks in.

    As for softball, we capped our season last night by spoiling a dickish team's perfect season. Started off with a near fight after their coach/pitcher/resident prick knocked over our 2B (girl) in a rundown when he had no shot at making it back to the bag. Now we get to face them in a tourney this weekend. Yaaaay.

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