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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by beaver5

  1. Black tuuks on grafs <3 sorry if the pics are too big i dont know how to resize
  2. i effing love the 8090's with black tuuks anything black tuuks is sweeeeeeet. nice vectors too puckit
  3. wasnt thinking and i made my own thread so i thought id put this in here and get the other one locked vapor XXX Mitts, Graf 705's with teclite and black "stealthy" Tuuks, 1 warrior starskie federov 2 RBK 6k OPS Datsyuk 1 easton stealth sakic 2 easton synergy pro stock ales hemsky Close up on the 705's I put black electrical tape along the sole of the boot and cut around to make it even. you cant tell that the sole is white unless you see the whole skate upside down so im happy with it. i just need black laces and im set.
  4. i picked up a prostock classic silver synergy in the hemsky pattern. effin beauty for toe drags. seems to just stay wherever you want it to go.
  5. blues where did u pick those up? in edmonton?
  6. Helmet : Bauer 5000 w/ silver auer 4000 cage Shoulder Pads : Itech 895 pro series Elbow Pads : DR 25 X Gloves : 3 pairs, vapor XXX's, eagle X70 usa color scheme, bauer supreme 5000 Pants : easton Air generation IV air? Shin Pads: bauer 8000 Skates : graf 705 w/teclite Sticks : 2 RBK 6k OPS, stealth, synergy SL grip, synergy, response, ultra lite
  7. like i said my LHS has like 100 of them both left and right handed... why would they only be for pro-stock? is there something special about them? what is the difference from a 6k and a 7k anyways?
  8. A year??? wow i didnt know these were out for that long. sweet how did u get it?
  9. i bought both 6k's at my LHS (united cycle) they were on sale for 149 so i bought two. one has P.38 P. Datsuk and the other just says P.38 i asked the stick guy and he just said that the ones with P.38 are prostock. i picked up one of each just to see if i could see any difference wear and tear wise. hope it helps
  10. i have no clue works good for me tho
  11. here is some of my stuff. only those sticks are in game ready condition. the rest are either busted or blade less. lol I got some vapor XXX gloves on the way.
  12. helmet: bauer 5000 Cage: bauer tru vision shoulder pads: Itech 895 Pro elbow pads: bauer supreme gloves: bauer supreme 5000 pants: easton air skates: bauer XI (boo) shin pads:bauer 8000 Stick: synergy drury curve, synergy lidstrom curve Jock: itech stick:
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