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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About fcb51

  • Birthday April 15


  • Skates
    NBH Supreme One 95s
  • Shin Pads
    CCM GR8-7
  • Elbow Pads
    Jofa 9144
  • Shoulder Pads
  • Pants
    RBK 7K
  • Helmet
    Mission Intake Fusion
  • Gloves
    Too Many...
  • Stick
    Warrior AK27 Pro

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  • Location
    The 514
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  1. I just lost my F%?&ing car starter...fell off who knows where
  2. It's been a while since I showed an updated family shot... With these! The Reddens are the normal ones and heritage ones... :)
  3. Unnumbered Helmets - $35 Numbered Helmets - $75 All socks - $15 Shells - $15 Jerseys - $50+ Pants - $100+
  4. NIce! What did you use for the white stripe and let us know if it holds up....
  5. That's a very neat collection you have there, which are your favs?
  6. Nice tidy collection...why no Easton's though?
  7. I did that the other day, tried to block a shot by sticking out my bum and deflected it in. The comical shame is horrible!
  8. I love those Easton leather Calgary gloves, they look absolutely beautiful! Those Gionta's must be pretty tight too, if they are the 13's... P.S. The timing of the last two glove posts and the heritage classic isn't lost
  9. That's a very nice glove collection going there, quality over quantity
  10. Still, they are pretty nice and seem robust. I was told they are MSH2 but wasn't 100% sure and they are very similar to the MSH2 palms on my Kotalik PPF gloves (except being red of course)so... I like them a lot
  11. Sorry for the delay, here are a closer pic of the palms and of the Shanahan stick...It is very boxy with almost sharp edges The only other red MSH2 palms that I know of were for Aucoin when he was playing for Calgary. Maybe if you contact Eagle direct they could help you with tracking some down...
  12. I'll take some more photo's tonight of the Shanahan when I get home. The Palms are MSH2 and are pretty rare (wish I could palm all my gloves with red palms)...
  13. The Thrashers 90's I got off of Ebay with a 'Best Offer' for a very very reasonable price
  14. Gloves and a few sticks I added a while back. It's only about 1/3 of the latest additions, but I'll get on top of that later... The Bertuzzi's are EQ5's dressed up to look like E-Pros and I love the MSH2 red palms on the X70's however they are straight fingers like the Gomez CCM's but I'm getting use to it now and don't notice it as much.
  15. Very nice! I thought only his Ottawa gloves had commander on them... Edit: Nevermind, found an old photo of Kovy wearing the C for Montreal and he has commander on the right glove too.
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