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  1. darkhors

    Bauer Re-akt 75

    I finally switched to a new helmet and after using it for a few months, figured I'd give a review on it. Old Helmet - Nike/Bauer 5500 Med. New Helmet - Bauer Re-akt 75 Med. Fit - This was a major factor for me. Since my Nike/Bauer was getting old, it would move around on my head and...
  2. I had been LTRing the RE-AKT helmet over here - http://www.modsquadh...-re-akt-helmet/ and decided to wrap it up. For tear-down pictures, see the Teardown thread - http://www.modsquadh...oughtsteardown/ Length of use - 2 months Fit - Very good, for my head. Absolutely zero pressure points anywhere...
  3. So after my old helmet started to show its age, and the inside gel pads started to move with the hot summer and the immense sweat i decided to go with something a little newer and hopefully has a bit more ventilation. It was this or the e700 but the easton did not fit my head. previous helmet was t...
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