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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Why is innovative so good?

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I have a standard 1100 and overall its a good shaft. I have had problems with it twisting a bit and it doesn't have very good feel with a zcarb. I'm also not a fan of the polarfibre or the 5 handle shape. One thing that really stood out was my snappers though. It's so much easier to get a nice solid snapshot with than my Z-Bubble. I have a 260 flex now but maybe stepping up to a 220 will help with the twisting on slapshots.

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if innovative makes them for other companies which ones are they and is there any way that you can tell they are made by ino


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if innovative makes them for other companies which ones are they and is there any way that you can tell they are made by ino


Inno makes shafts for BNH, but their specs. There may be others as well.

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i just want to make sure that i'm understanding this torqueing thing right. when you are shooting, the shaft loads up just as normal. but when the potential energy is released by the shaft whipping back out, the blade twists away from you (opens up more...points behind you)? i'm assuming this would this make your shot flutter and loose speed? i just want to know because i think i'm experiencing this with my inno made hespeler shaft. is it just contruction design flaw? or maybe it has to do with handle shape or something? thanks for the help.

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My thought was that it torqued during loading and my shots fluttered and went right(RH shot). I encountered the problem with my F4 that I sold, though I don't recall having that problem with my 9010 and that was a 0 shape shaft. I also haven't experienced that problem at all with my new Nemesis Alpha.

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The best I can explain is that when I'm about the hit the puck I feel the blade whip too much and it feels like I chip at the puck more than getting it dead-on and push it right.

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The best I can explain is that when I'm about the hit the puck I feel the blade whip too much and it feels like I chip at the puck more than getting it dead-on and push it right.

i had that problem with my 300 flex, it seemed to only happen with wood blades. when i got a inno carbon blade the mass-torquing seemed to settle down.

but with my 220 it doesn't torque at all, even with the same wood blades. i hardly flex it at all when i shoot though.

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It's like that no matter the blade for me. The same kind of thing happened when I tried retail Z-Carbons.

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i'm asking because one person said they experieced it with a lower flex. and mack said he got the same feeling too, but i know he's partial to steel beam flexes. so it might happen at both ends of the spectrum. making it just a part of how the stick shoots instead of a flex question. that's what i'm trying to figure out.

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I think it's more of the way their kickpoint works, if it's not mental and actually different from other companies' flexes. I know I don't get the same shanky feeling from any Eastons in a comparable flex.

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I broke two si-cores and four synthesis blades this year. i have a inno tapered blade now and oh boy its the strongest blade i ahve eevr used

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I experienced some "torquing" with my inno 1100 300 flex (6'1", 175). But it was more of a high/low variation rather than shots going to the right (i'm RH as well). When i slap the puck it either stays within 2 inches of the ice surface or goes top-shelf/over the net. I dont think my shot velocity suffured any tho.

EDIT: Innovative shaft and the Hull pro custom i havehave worked out great for me. Hopefully they'll last for a while but it seems like it wont be a problem.

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