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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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girl trouble

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All right guys now this might sound stupid but i have some girl trouble here.I don't really have parents i can talk to about his stuff so i came here. Now i was going out with a girlf for 11 months until last monday. She broke up with me because she said she didn't want a a boyfriend anymore. 4 days after this she end up going out with one of my friends. Now she is telling me she is not sure whether she likes him or me. I really liked this girl and i want nothing more than to go back out with her but, she might just be trying to make me sad or somethin. I want to know your guys opinions on what i should do.

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How old are you and how old is she? She may not even be worth your time and money since most teenage relationships don't really go anywhere.

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At her age, I doubt she really knows what she wants. Don't take it personally at all..... Women are just insane.. Trying to understand them is hopeless and even if it were possible, I don't know if I would want to. Them being nuts is half the fun. It sucks that your relationship sorta fell out from under you, but you can't let it get you so down. Ask someone else out that you like and see how that goes for the both of you. You should get an honest reaction from your gf, or you may just realize there are greener pastures. Seriously, why stress yourself out over crap like this in your youth? You have your late 20s, 30s and 40s for women to ruin you :P

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Sounds to me like she wants to play the field, but keep you on the back burner in case other ventures don't pan out. She's keeping you kinda like a security blanket or fallback plan. Just my opinion.

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I'm with Keith on this...

trying to understand them is too difficult and a waste of time. She maybe just keeping you around like a spare tire... dont waste your time, you may miss out on someone even better just cause you were pining for this girl who may not even care about you anymore.

if i've gotten a dime for everytime that a girl has told me she:

1) didnt want to be in a relationship right now

2) prefers to concentrate on her studies

3) treats me like a brother

4) treats me like a good friend

i'd be a thousand-aire by now...

move on... there are better fish in the sea

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There's too many other girls out there for you to worry about that kind of immature crap. If she's gonna string you along like a lifeboat it's not worth it.

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Better yet start dating one of her friends and ask her if she'll be there for you.

"Do you want to go out?"

"Yea, sure"

"Ok, then go, so I can talk to your friend."

That is one classy pick up line.

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you should go up to her and rip the sleves off your shirt and ask her where her tickets are to the gun show and if that doesnt get her back i dont kno what will. But seriously u should try and talk to her about it. if she is playing you that is not a person you want to go out with.

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Just move on. If she comes back to you, then you have a decision to make. You'll go through several(dozen) more relationships before you finally find the right one, at least most people will.

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Wait but what about your friend that shes going out with? That too is a pretty low move in itself, and I can tell you from experience on both ends of that position that nothing good ever really comes of it. Confront your buddy on that too... 11 months over on a faulty reason isn't cool. But like everyone else said depending on how old you are, it's probably just best to move on and hit up one of her friends. Emotional injuries like physcial injuries heal a lot quicker when your younger.

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man go back out with someone four days after an 11 month relationship is really low. well i cant really talk cuz i did that too but it was a bit different. and you should probably talk to your so called "friend" thats LOW i mean four days after break up + he is suppost to be your friend. a friend wouldnt do that to a friend.

and dude your probably young and youll have lots of relationships one of my old teachers said" jr high and high school you should be having fun. you should be with some different girls and not be tied down with something to serious."

well good luck with everything, hope it works out for you.

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Ya thank all of you for the help. This is still very hard on me and is really stressing me out. I even passed out walking up the stairs at my house today. I went to the doctor and he said that i should lay in bed for a while becuase of stress. I know i shouldn't let this bother me so much.

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Go play some hockey, clear your head, and just let things work itself out. Im assuming you are teenager like me. So you cant let this stuff get to you. It sounds to me like your relationship ran its course and now its done. Go flirt with some more chicks, play some hockey, and try not to pine over this chick. I mean do you really want this chick if you went out for 11 months and then she dumps you to go out with one of your friends 4 days later. It sounds like this chick would involve some baggage. I would just stay away.

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Off topic, but I read your name as #1STD...then I was like why would he be giving lady advice. Lol...

I agree with you though STUD, you are a hockey player, you can pick up anyone you want, even if this one is special, go give'r, if it doesn't work out there are thousands of other ones.

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I agree with you fully. the thing that sux though is she dumped me the day of my birthday. What sucks even more is my hockey season is over. I have been trying to get out and do the stuff you guys have suggested and it has helped alot.

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You guys are all young. You don't NEED girlfriends right now. If a girl is giving you problems of any sort walk away from her. There are plenty more you'll meet in your lifetime.

Consider dating a way to narrow down the prospects. You learn what you like in a girl - a potential spouse at some point. You learn what you can tolerate and things you hate. Take those lessons learned from each relationship and you don't have to worry about going through it again. You don't have to view it as failure or think your heart got tromped on, just move on to the next one and see what you learn from that situation.

It's a growing thing, more than just getting to sqeeze some boobies and kiss and stuff. ;) :blink:

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I told her today at school that i was over her and that we should just be friends. Then tonite i asked her on msn who she thinks would be a good girlfriend for me. I did this cause you know me n her are such good friends. She calls me liek 10 minutes ago saying that she made a mistake and shouldn't have broken up with me. I just said ya and hung up.

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Way to be! move on and get over her, give yourself some time and get back in the game playa! I had some problem with a girl that I didnt even end up going out with but was so close for so long then she basically decided it wouldent work after giving me a thimbleful of a chance, and without getting into the details of why it hurt me so much, I was not the same from September-February. Finally, we fought like hell, stopped talking, etc. for about a month (feb-early march) and then one day we sorta started talking again and made up as friends. I dont allow myself to get real close to her so I dont fall into that pit again, but finally getting over it for the most part is a great feeling. There are other fish in the sea, in the past 2 months that I havent been :( over this girl, I've dated several girls, one of them is the varsity cheerleading captain, whom I'm taking to prom this year. Moving on rocks! Don't stress and stay cheerful, trust me when I say no girls will be interested when your all :( :blink: <_< all the time, you gotta be :lol: and then they'll see you as B)

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well thats awsome you can walk away like that, but now youve probably effed whatever friendship you could have had with this girl in the future, if that means anything to you. theres something in between hangin up the phone and severing all ties, and telling her your over her, and theres nothing left for either of you

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Nicely said my friend. Myself being 17, I experienced the same thing. Long relationship ending with her going out with my best friend...know what I did about it? I went out with her older sister! oh right! I know that is low, but dammit, revenge is sweet when someone you care for stabs you in the back. Always remember this quote, "True friends will stab you in the front!"

- Dan

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