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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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yes, the infamous virus has hit me. got tgested monday and it was positive. my throat was really red and soar but today it seems almost perfect. plus im sweating like a snow cone in phoenix. they didnt tell me an exact time period, btu for you boys who had it, wanna tell me an average time that it took you to get back on the ice?


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I coached a kid who was over it in about 3 weeks

My best friend also had it and it was over a month before he was back on the ice

As unhelpful as it sounds, its really a person by person type on thing, but I'd say 4 weeks is the average from the 4-5 cases I've seen.

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Yeah its pretty much runs its course in about 3 to 4 weeks. Try not to do much activity as you will get tired very fast, and that will just prolong the mono.

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Yea i had it last year. It lasted me about a month and i felt like sh*t all the time and couldent do anything that required physical effort. just get alot of rest, play some video games/ watch tv...it helped me

get well soon

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I got it a couple of years ago but because there was an abnormal lever of iron in my blood, the virus never affected me. I just had a sore troath for about 3 weeks and nothing else, I still played Junior B hockey and never got tirred or lost weight.

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I got Mono this year, and the same day I was diagnosed I played the first game in the playoffs, and the second game the next day. Needless to say we lost, and it made it a lot worse, and I don't regret it. I got over it after a little after a month.

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I had mono, it made me tired as hell and I couldn't do anything for a while. Took me like 4 weeks to get over and start playing puck again.

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yes, the infamous virus has hit me.

...That's what you get for going to Brockport, I guess ;)

(For those of you that don't know, Brockport is rumored to have one of the highest percentages of students with STDs in the nation...It's a big joke throughout this part of WNY...I realize Mono isn't an STD, but I think we all know what it has been most often linked to)

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Mono is horrible. Caught in when my sister and I were backpacking one summer and it never got caught/diagnosed. Come back and my liver's all goofy from it. How my sister didn't get it being near me for a whole summer is beyond me.

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Mono is really bad I just got over it after a month in a half and im still not 100%!!! It sucks you dont do anything and plus you lose weight!!! For 3 weeks I didnt come out of my house and Im just now after all this getting back onto the ice!!! Hope you get over this quick but the doc told me that when your older its wrost than when your an adult!!! So get over it completely or you can live the rest of your life sick!!! No lie!!!

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I just got over it/am still recovering from it. I had mono and strep at the same time, so I lost 15 pounds eating literally nothing for 2 weeks. Sucks but might as well get it over with, it can be a lot worse when you get older. I couldnt play hockey, I was lucky if I could get out of bed for 2 hours let alone play hockey for about a week of it. Mine lasted about 4 weeks. The general time span is 2 weeks - 2 months and it can last longer.

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when we were at a tourny a few years ago, we lost bad. everything went in the net. as soon as we get home we find out our goalie had mono the whole time, and it got worse from him playing like 5 games. got over it in like a month

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