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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Older Synergy flex compared to new

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I have noticed a difference in my to synergys flex. I have a SiCore Grip with 100flex and an original synergy ( the first year ) with an 85flex. (besides the point that it actually has lasted my that long) I feel more of a flex in my 100 than I do in my 85. The 85 just feels slot stiffer and I cant get much of a kick out of it. They are both the same height and I am about 5’10 165lbs. Is this because of better technology or is it just me?

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Is the taper longer in one than the other?

I'm sorry, brain fart, but what do you mean by taper?

The shaft narrows down towards the blade

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Is the taper longer in one than the other?

They are in my car I can check at lunch, but off the top of my head, I do not think there is that big of a difference. Would that really make a big difference?

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Is the taper longer in one than the other?

I'm sorry, brain fart, but what do you mean by taper?

Once you use the sticks for a while, they will generally break in. If you take more heavy shots the stick will tend to break in faster too.

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Chadd has an excellent point. The composite sticks "fatigue" just like wood sticks (only take a bit longer, presuming you're using a quality stick).

Also, other factors could be where the sticks are stored (for instance, had the older stick been sitting in direct sunlight in some unconditioned warehouse in Baja Mexico? etc as some claim the temp can make a diff) and you'd also have to take into account that different years may have had the technology of the composites change (diff % of various materials - for instance, perhaps to enhance durability and such).

REGARDLESS, back to the taper question. Many have claimed that the Stealth 100 flexes much different than the Synnergy 100. Easton said this is due to the longer taper on the Stealth (18 inches) to that of the Synnergy (can't remember how long that is off the top of my head, I want to say 12, but not sure).

Anyhoo..... because of the longer taper, the stick flexes differently (a matter of physics - force distributed over a longer portion of the stick to the same kick area - think of it similar to the concept behind torque wrenches and crow bars). At least, that's my take on it. Take it with the grain of salt (everyone's an expert on the internet, after all).

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i think my sicore grip 85 flex is a lot flexier then my regular synergy 85 flex. I can take slapshots a million times better with the si-core grip then the regular synergy.

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