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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton graphite

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Iam deciding which blade to get, The Easton Ultra Graphite or Easton Ultra Lite, I want to kno which one is more durable. Iam thinking The UL blade any oppions or reviews would be apprecriated.


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Yeah the UG's seems to weigh less than the UL's....I handled both models in the Modano pattern and the UG felt lighter, and it balanced real well with my Grip Lite.

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the ultralite is 15 grams lighter, but i think the ultra graphite has better feel.

durability.. about the same in my experience

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after like 5 games ul become so flimsy, for me anyways

the same thing happened to me when i used that blade. it also happened to me with the focus flex blades

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I had an Ultra Lite and didn't like it. I got a HUGE chip in the heel, and the stuff on the outside started to peel off. Also, I thought that the blade was heavy.

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I have both of them and i would defebtly go with the ultra graphite, it feels way better, it's more durable and it's lighter

how is it lighter it is 200g and ul is 175g

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I had an UG, thing was an absolute tank. I think the only reason it broke is because I messed around with it outside to much, and even then, it lasted me quite awhile outside. Feel wise its ok, better then the UL though.

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Because companies use this thing called false advertising to sell a product. While I doubt the UG is actually lighter, he probably was speaking from the fact that it was balanced in his stick, which makes it feel way lighter.

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if they false advertise couldnt they be sued

yeah when Iheard about it first

Easton UltraLite i thought it was a blade that was like 160 grams not 200 :lol:

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