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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Typhoon + Synthesis

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I was looking at my sticks this morning and I realized something, I can put my old Synthesis into my upside down 70 flex typhoon! It fit like a charm.

But what will happen to the kick point? Went I flexed it it seemed stiffer then when I had my standard Apollo in there

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but the typhoon is a standard shaft and has no engineered kickpoint.

kinda like an ultra lite.

shouldn't matter which end the blade is in.

though his is an intermediate so the flared end for the blade may affect it somehow, I'm just guessing.

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but the typhoon is a standard shaft and has no engineered kickpoint.

kinda like an ultra lite.

shouldn't matter which end the blade is in.

though his is an intermediate so the flared end for the blade may affect it somehow, I'm just guessing.

All composite shafts have an engineered kickpoint.

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yes, i agree with chippa because mission used to adverstize their kickpt on thier forst shafts back in '99, and i remember asking my LHS if the kickpt was that innovative and he laughed and said "all composites have a kickpt. mission just wants u kids to see that and buy it."

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well ive heard that the way Easton and others makes the typhoon (and other "value" shafts) is they mix all the materials into one big meltiing pot, and then make 1, say, 100 foot long shaft, and then a machine which just cuts it into regular lengths, and then they are painted. So, by doing this, how would they engineer kick points onto theyr cheap shafts. isnt it only the more performance shafts that are actually made 1 by 1?

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Don't all shafts have kick points? It just depends on how low the kickpoint is, which may also determine the price of the shaft.

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I always figured that the kick point on most lower end shafts was just where your lower hand was. It flexes there and bends back there. Simple as that.

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We all know what a kick-point is in terms of shooting or using a shaft, but...

What is a kick-point in manufacturing terms? Is it an area of the shaft where the wall thickness is reduced? How about an area where there are different or less materials of construction? What does a mfgr do to make a kick-point in a shaft?

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Probably lay the materials differently in different areas.Like I believe the Flyweight had 2 or 3 flex zones where it supposably the top end was stiffer thus the flex code of 12-9 12 on the top end 9 near the bottom or like the Triflex. Someone correct me if I'm wrong

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you just happened to notice you put your synthesis into your typhoon?

that i could put my synthesis blade in the handle of my typhoon,

I tried the stick, I could barely get usual over-the-net slapshot off the ice

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