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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2005 Vapor XX's

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I just made another trip to my National Sports to see "The One" again. I noticed that they got some new Vapor XX's in. They got the Kovalchuk curve in (P91) YAY. I got excited because I've been waiting for one of my LHS to get the P91. However, something didnt feel right. I grabbed a Drury Si-Core nearby (since I currently use an un-cut Drury Si-Core), and the Vapor was shorter by at least an inch. I grabbed one of the "older" Vapors off the closeout rack, and it was the same lenght as the Si-Core. So my question is, did Bauer shorten their sticks for this year?

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I'm not sure about the older year Vapor sticks, but my Vapor XXX is shorter than my stealth. I thought that the Bauers used to be the same length as the Eastons, but they must have changed it. No matter. I cut mine down and use it without a plug anyway.

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Thank you to Jason for the reply about his XXX being shorter. I noticed that aswell because I look at A SENIOR 102 FLEX (happy seth?) P88 pattern XXX since I hadn't seen one before. It was shorter aswell. Oh well, maybe I'll just buy a wooden extension for it if I buy it.

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he said the old vapor xx's were the same length as the stealth

and seth, learn to spell before you make useless criticisms of others

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I know that these ones (the 2005's) had a plug like the Vectors had (looks like rubber thing). Oh well, extensions dont add to much weight, so its ok. I'm going to get one, that P91 curve looks too good to not try.

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