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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Inno 1100s for $50 USD

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Do these shafts have the 2004 graphics?

They have 'Innovative' on the sides at the top and the bottom of the shaft. On the top of the shaft it says in horizontal "Innovative" not the :











and the bottom of the shaft is all black. No manufactuer's info at all. There were some questions as to these being made for Sergie Fedorov; to those in Vancouver, remember he has a brother who also used Inno shafts. I hope that helps.

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I e-mailed the hockey shop and they said that this shaft compares to easton high end stuff in terms of performance and durability

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I e-mailed the hockey shop and they said that this shaft compares to easton high end stuff in terms of performance and durability

So then it would be a normal 1100 and not painted over.

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That information isn't that reliable since they're trying to sell a product. If it is actually an 1100 though then that statement would be true except that most people agree that the high-end innos have far better durability than the high-end easton sticks/blades.

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i bought one last week

they have tapered and standards

the standards are 220 and 260 flex

the tapered are only 340 flex

i got the 340 tapered flex.

the standards are 69.99 canadian $ and 89.99 for the tapered

regarding my shaft

i paired it up with an innovative prostock graphite tapered blade

i love it!!!

I have never shot so hard in my life. the feel is great, and i don't feel much torque. this is well worth the 89.99 and gas$ i spent to go all the way out there. i want to get another one but gas is so damn expensive now. i like it much better than the synthesis and it's almost half the price.

just my 2 cents


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i bought one last week

they have tapered and standards

the standards are 220 and 260 flex

the tapered are only 340 flex

i got the 340 tapered flex.

the standards are 69.99 canadian $ and 89.99 for the tapered

regarding my shaft

i paired it up with an innovative prostock graphite tapered blade

i love it!!!

I have never shot so hard in my life. the feel is great, and i don't feel much torque. this is well worth the 89.99 and gas$ i spent to go all the way out there. i want to get another one but gas is so damn expensive now. i like it much better than the synthesis and it's almost half the price.

just my 2 cents


is it a true 1100 shaft? i think that's what everyone wants to know.

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you have to ask one of the workers for the 340 taper

I believe that it is an 1100

the guy working there says it's an 1100 so i'm trusting him that it is. even if it's not, it handles beautifully and well worth the price. it looks just like what is shown in the picture that i believe has been posted earlier.

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I've never held an 1100 until that day so I can't vouch for it's authenticity but it seemed like a pretty solid shaft. Is there anything defining about the 1100? It just looked like a standard shaft to me. They also had a whole wack of short-hosel tapered pro return graphite blades. They had them labelled as easton pro returns but i'm pretty sure they are innos. They look exactly like the smu blades that h&s is selling. They had 2 long-hosel tapered graphite blades left too. I bought a long-hosel tapered PM9 and tried it out last night. The blades are stiff as hell and the feel is fantastic. I've used wood blades my entire life so I know that these are definately not eastons because I could actually feel the puck.

They also had a lot of GI vapor xx and response plus ops. The only ones that I remember them having are some lehtinens and ray whitneys. They had a lot more but I can't remember them right now.

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They also had a lot of GI vapor xx and response plus ops. The only ones that I remember them having are some lehtinens and ray whitneys. They had a lot more but I can't remember them right now.

they didn't have whitney blades did they? or just ops?

alex, could you tell me how long the shaft you got is? just the composite, no butt end. thanks.

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All of the blades were unlabelled so I don't know. I spent a good 10 min on the one I bought because i'm super picky on having a 5 lie so I know that mine is pretty much a PM9 or something really close to it.

$220 for the response+ and $230 for the XX (CAD of course). They also had most of the retail response+'s in stock as well for the same price.

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it turns out the shaft i got is an intermediate one...bastards

it's 48 inches of graphite and a 340 flex. i'm 6' so i had to get a major butt end on it..somehting like 5 inches...

the standards are senior but the tapers they have are all intermediate though. when you put the short hosel on, it's much shorter than normal.

oh well...live and learn.

the prostock blades are in fact innovative blades

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The senior 1100s that they have are not tapered. Btw, wasn't the 340 flex a dead giveaway that it was an intermediate? 90% of the guys at that shop are morons so I wouldn't have taken any of their comments/suggestions very seriously.

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yah..well live and learn.

I was too excited about the price and shaft to think at the time

the 340 is really nice though. i'm using it for roller and have never played with something at this calabre before. this is heads and shoulders above my zbubble.

this past weekend i took some wicked hacks and it's still holding up really well.

i have nothing bad to say about it except it's too damn short...which is my fault and the moron who sold it to me not the shaft itself.

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260 is around an easton 90. I'm sure someone will answer the 5 handle question shortly as I haven't used one myself.

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