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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Inno 1100s for $50 USD

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Sorry for posting so much, but I've been trying to figure this thing out. I went by the picture of the Novius on the Inno site, so I scraped paint off at the other end where the little black Inno logo should be. Sure enough, there's the logo! I'll add a picture in a few minutes.

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I'm not experienced enough to answer that question, but if it is indeed a Novius (so far the evidence points to yes), how many people are using them the wrong way. All the graphics under the paint (atleast on mine) show that it's a right-handed shaft when used in the normal way.

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I have a feeling that they aren't the Novius. Look for an indent on one of the sides of the shaft near the bottom. If you notice any try to post a picture of the concave and someone with a Novius will be able to answer for you.

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Just something else to think about.. the Inno page says the 1100 comes in regular or convex (bulging out) and the Novius comes in dual concave. This shaft is concave on both sides, but I don't feel any noticable boron spine anywhere. Atleast not from the outside.

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Just something else to think about.. the Inno page says the 1100 comes in regular or convex (bulging out) and the Novius comes in dual concave. This shaft is concave on both sides, but I don't feel any noticable boron spine anywhere. Atleast not from the outside.

maybe that's the way fedorov wanted it...if they are GI that is

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I would say that this shaft is not a novius shaft. Before I got this fedorov shaft, I've been using the novius mogo OPS in 260 and the fedorov standard 260 shaft is way lighter (with blade) and way flexier witha low kick point. I'd say if you want this shaft and you are used to stiffer shafts like easton 100 or more, then you should certainly get the 220 and not the 260. However, I'm used to a stiffer stick and I really like this 260 whippy version... my shots seem to launch quicker. Maybe it's the psychology of a new stick, but I've had a few new sticks recently and I like this the best.


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There were some questions as to these being made for Sergei Fedorov; to those in Vancouver, remember he has a brother who also used Inno shafts.  I hope that helps.


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This sounds very interesting, but the guys that claim they shoot rockets with this thing is proablly expierencing the exciment of a new shaft, can u ppl plz give us a update a lil while later.

So is the tapered 1100 better then the normal 1100 and is there any SMU innovative blades at the hockey shop that is a clone to sakic?

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A tapered shaft has a lower kickpoint and, in theory, a quicker release than a conventional shaft.

There were 2 full racks of the smu inno blades the last time I was there but I don't recall seeing any sakic-like patterns. You should give them a call though as they might have restocked.

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This sounds very interesting, but the guys that claim they shoot rockets with this thing is proablly expierencing the exciment of a new shaft, can u ppl plz give us a update a lil while later.

So is the tapered 1100 better then the normal 1100 and is there any SMU innovative blades at the hockey shop that is a clone to sakic?

i'll do a review after i've had it for 30 days. i don't think i've hit that mark yet...kobe suggested that i wait a bit until the new shaft excitement has worn off....

but as of right now, i'm loving it and still shooting rockets off it. taper took a bit to get used to for wrist shots and i'm still trying to get used to it.

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but as of right now, i'm loving it and still shooting rockets off it. taper took a bit to get used to for wrist shots and i'm still trying to get used to it.

You RH or LH?

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I used my hockeyshop fedorov shaft (260 LH flex with inno Kovalev blade) tonight for the 3rd game. After two games of adjusting (my sticks I've used in the last year or so= Inno Novius OPS 260 mogilny, Busch Balance stiff OPS, Easton Synergy modano). I think I was on fire tonight with a goal and 2 assists in a loss. Shots definitely snap off this stick quicker than any of the other sticks I've mentioned. Also the shaft feels light, but not too light. Stickhandling is quite quick and pretty easy to do even with my open face curve. Passing is actually harder than the other sticks when I found myself overdoing it on a few passes, I'll have to ease off from now on.

I don't think it's a new stick pyschology boost thats going on here becuase I didn't feel it with the first two games but now I'm adjusting to the inno shaft and feeling that it is a great performer. I can tell you that this shaft is a touch lighter than the novius OPS at the same length, and also a bit more flexier than a novius 260.

No one at the rink uses an 1100 so I can't compare it to those... but at this price I think I'll buy a backup. I just wish the blades weren't so expensive$$$.

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any chance this could be a 1100 with an added Boron spine at the request of Federov? Or would that just make a Novius anyways? Also I'm not sure who was suggesting that this wasn't a Novius because of the price difference that will depend on where you are. Around here and a few places online the 1100 is on par with the Novius price wise.

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I used my hockeyshop fedorov shaft (260 LH flex with inno Kovalev blade) tonight for the 3rd game.  After two games of adjusting (my sticks I've used in the last year or so= Inno Novius OPS 260 mogilny, Busch Balance stiff OPS, Easton Synergy modano).

What hand are you?

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I used my hockeyshop fedorov shaft (260 LH flex with inno Kovalev blade) tonight for the 3rd game.  After two games of adjusting (my sticks I've used in the last year or so= Inno Novius OPS 260 mogilny, Busch Balance stiff OPS, Easton Synergy modano).

What hand are you?

left handed

.... I believe Sergei himself is left handed???

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