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Inno 1100s for $50 USD

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Looked at Inno's site and the senoir tappered or standard Novius is only listed as a 51" shaft. The standard intermediate is listed as 45" and tappered intermediate is 48". Don't know if that means anything though.


From what i heard everyone at the hockey shop are idiots the guys dont kno anything. That maybe just a mistake made by the web designer of hockey shop but an 8 inch wood plug is huge which supports my theory of this shaft being a used fedor fedorov shaft. This is diffitnitly not a retail but what ever it is all the buyers claim this to be a very good shaft, cant wait till some of the buyers get over their shaft excitment and start posting decent reviews.

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Looked at Inno's site and the senoir tappered or standard Novius is only listed as a 51" shaft. The standard intermediate is listed as 45" and tappered intermediate is 48". Don't know if that means anything though.


My standard Inno fedorov shaft is 51". That is about 48" shaft and 3" wood plug at the end.

I'd say thats a senior, not an Intermed. But yes, I'm ordering another standard shaft because there's no way I want an 8" plug in a tapered shaft. I'm 6'2"

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If this is a custom Novius, why would he want the 1100 graphics? It doesn't make sense to me. I still say someone with one of the shafts, and the sticker info from the inside should e-mail Inno and just ask. I am really interested in knowing if this is a Novius because I want to buy one only if it's a 1100.

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If this is a custom Novius, why would he want the 1100 graphics? It doesn't make sense to me

Pro's want many different things. I personally prefer the 1100 graphics to nearly anything else on the market, so it doesn't seem like a bad idea to me.

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It's hard to review something that you don't even know what it is.

Thats possibly the best time to review a product like this. Then you can focus on what you feel rather than why you feel it. It's kind've like a blindfold test so that way your Bias (and everyone has a little) will not get in the way. Then once we find out what it truly is we have an almost completely non-biased review.

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Yeah, but what if a righty buys a lefty novius shaft? It would totally screw up your shot. I hope they are 1100's becasue I am REALLY tempted to buy one, but I don't really want a lefty Novius, considering I am a righty. I wish Inno would reply to the letter I sent them.

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You can use a "wrong" handed Novius by simply turning it over and it's very easy to tell if it actually is a Novius.

A lot of the pro Novius I've seen at Perani's are just repainted 1100s.

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If a righty buys a shaft and it turns out to be a left Novius instead of the 1100 he was supposed to get he most likely won't like it, and we will have a review of a righty using a lefty Novius, so there is a reason why he would have difficulties getting the results they expect out of this shaft. If he likes it then we know that from his point of view the Boron spine did not hurt his shot. The review will most likely become either void because it was improperly used or the review would be great because they aren't sure of what they are using and there biased won't get in the way.

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Just removing all of the extra graphics on one of these shafts to reveal the graphics underneath would probably solve all of this. Chances are, these are not 2000s since they aren't made in taper.

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I got my other shaft in today. Here's the numbers in the end of it.


I don't remember what it said in my other one. These numbers came out of the blade end.

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I've scraped the paint off of a few different areans, but I don't see any other graphics. The only thing I've found are whatever graphics on on the actual composite. They're not painted on. Like the logo by the handle and the little logo at the other end. Do those numbers that I posted mean anything to anyone? They're different from what the other person posted. I don't see an X or 260 or PRO on it. I haven't ripped apart my current stick yet because I need it tonight.

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What was the discovery on these shafts? Are they painted over Novius' or the 1100 GI Federov's as advertised? I have my shaft here. First time with an Innovative.

Both ends of the shaft bulge to accept a blade/plug. I'd like to cut my shaft shorter and am wondering if the shaft is left/right side specific?

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One thing for sure in my opinion, is that these standard shafts are not Novius shafts repainted. I'm a former novius user and I can tell you they are very different in flex and weight. The fedorov being lighter with a different flex point than the novius.

I ordered a 2nd standard fedorov as backup and they sent me the tapered version by mistake.... that 8" plug is not a good thing and the shaft shape was very strange (indented on one side, where your fingers wrap around I guess). I've been using the standard for about a month and it's made my stick handling and quickness of release much better. Still getting used to the shot, but when I connect it right in the sweet spot of the blade it takes off. I dig this shaft more than the novius in a big way. But then again, I just never really could get into the curve of the novius which was a mogilny.

Sorry, I won't know if these are 1100's SMU until I see someone at the rink with a 1100 to compare it to.

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I had a 220 flex 1100 shaft. I ordered one fo the GI federov shafts, and I must say they feel almost identical. The one thing that I'm not sure on is the flex. I ordered a 260, but it seems much closer to my 1100 that was a 220. I have a 260 novius that I am comparing it to. Hope this helps.

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both my novius and fedorov were 260's and the fedorov flex seems much flexier lower down on the shaft... are you seeing this as well?

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Its hard for me to compare the flex point to my novius, because its tapered not standard. A buddy of mine has a standard novius, i'll compare at our next game.

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Well, not sure what other people got, but out of curiosity, I removed the end plug from the shaft, and this is what I saw


Since inno makes stuff for hespeler, It appears as though I got a 9009 painted over. Regardless, its still a good performing shaft.

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Is Federov stamped on the shaft?

yeah, it looks just like the shaft in the picture, federov is half way down the shaft.

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