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Inno 1100s for $50 USD

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I think the Hockey Shop has a lot of explaining to do. All of those shafts have "Federov" stamped on them but some of them are true Inno shafts while others are Hespelers. What the hell is up with that? Too bad most of the population that buys these shafts don't know the difference or there could be some legal crap going down.

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I think the Hockey Shop has a lot of explaining to do. All of those shafts have "Federov" stamped on them but some of them are true Inno shafts while others are Hespelers. What the hell is up with that? Too bad most of the population that buys these shafts don't know the difference or there could be some legal crap going down.

I can understand why you think that, but on there site it just says Innovative shaft, it doesnt give out a model name like 1100 as some of the members here were expecting to get. They could just get around it by saying: "We did not intend on selling Innoavtive 1100, we cleary stated that these are Innoavtive shafts not 1100." They could also say that Hespeler is an Inno shaft with a paint job over it. I understand why they should just come clean and tell it straight up but they dont have to, and they dont have to face legal offences because Hesplere is Inno. and there site it says nowhere that it is Novius or 1100.

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Its definatley a poor business practice. They just saw the market for GI stuff and are pureposely misleading people. I suppose Inno should bear some responsibility too, but ohwell, live and learn. Again though, its still not a bad performing stick.

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I haven't even spoken to these people, but I get the impression they aren't sure what they have either. Maybe they should've found out exactly what these shafts are, but I don't et the impression this company is trying to goat anyone.

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maybe they don't know exactly what it is.... BUT it's $50 US!!! IF they thought they were 1100 or novius shafts wouldn't they charge $100 like the others?

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So, from what I gather on the posts, this is not a side specific shaft like the Novius and can be cut shorter, correct? I just don't want to cut this shorter and later find out it was side-specific...

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I'm a lefty and it seems to flex more on the forehand than the backhand. I haven't tried to make it a righty so I'm not sure. If they really were SMU fedorov they might be for lefty.

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Sorry for brining this up again it seems like this is a well made Inno shaft regardless of the model even tho the fact that it could be a Novius really bugs ppl Iam willing to take the chance, for those that ordered the tapered shaft what was the handle shape like? was it super boxy or was it rounded?

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Tapered shaft is slightly concave. Mine is definitely not a Novious. Seems pretty close to my 1100. I was using mine as a back up but I broke the blade in my primary stick and I'm waiting for my new custom blades to come in so I've been using this stick for about 2 weeks. I really like, don't know what the hell it is but I like it. B)

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I just ordered two more standard shafts from them because I liked the first one so much. they accidently sent me a standard shaft with 8" plug that had a concave side to it. I would call them on the phone and tell them exactly what you want because I know they have a few different shapes in both standard and tapered. Remember, they bought 2000 of these shafts and then bought 2000 3" or 8" plugs that they installed themselves. I sent back the concave shaft and had the guy walk out and pick up two normal shaped shafts that were exactly alike. If you're a tall guy you'll be disappointed with the 8" plug like I was. No way these are Novius btw... more like 1100 or SMU.

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Did you get the flexes you asked for? I remember hearing somone complaining about flex and how they didnt recieve the flex they wanted. 48 inches seems short for tapered especailly when you get 8 inch wood plugs to compensate for taller players, are they cut in any way or are they just manufacutred 48 inches? I am thinking about a concave 75 flex Inno tapered shouldnt be too much to ask for, I have relavtives that live near Surrey which is their location. Does anyone know if there is a special tax if you bring something from Vancouver to Alberta Edmonton?

BTW: Miserable, how would you compare the tapered Inno to other tapered like Synthesis, R2 etc....... good bad.....?



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yeah flexes were fine 260 is what I wanted and what I got. Altho this 260 is way flexier than my novius 260 which is good! That wacky concave was strange to me:

indented on one side so your fingers curve in. Just give me a standard shaped shaft plz..

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I've been using a Bauer XV for a bit now and I'd say that the performace is somewhat compairable. I prefer the Bauer though. This isn't a bad shaft at all, especially for the price. It's light, and it has a good feel to it. The only drawback I've found is the fact that it's 48" instead of 51". I'm too tall to use the shaft with a short hosel blade and that huge end plug they put in it, I almost broke it off just goofing around with it when I first got it. I use standard hosel blades and just shave them down to fit. Not really a big deal but it adds some time and effort to replacing a blade.

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I can understand why you think that, but on there site it just says Innovative shaft, it doesnt give out a model name like 1100 as some of the members here were expecting to get. They could just get around it by saying: "We did not intend on selling Innoavtive 1100, we cleary stated that these are Innoavtive shafts not 1100." They could also say that Hespeler is an Inno shaft with a paint job over it. I understand why they should just come clean and tell it straight up but they dont have to, and they dont have to face legal offences because Hesplere is Inno. and there site it says nowhere that it is Novius or 1100.

They do say 1100 on the price tag on the plug.

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I have an update from when I got the wrong flex shaft on my second order. They're refunding the the full price of the shaft, including the original shipping and the shipping back to them, so that's pretty cool.

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ok guys...

i've finally put up a review of my tapered 1100 i got from the hockey shop


Wow maybe we overrated Inno shafts because from what I read in Alex's review it really seems like it was just a normal kick shaft and nothing super special.

One more concern, after reading the specs on the tapered Inno it says its 360 grams, taht is one heavy shaft for a high end shaft. So it the 360 grams included with the 8 inch wood plug?

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yah..the kick wasn't anything special on it...everything else was tho

i think mine is lighter than 360 grams...

i've cut my super long butt end

i'm guessing low 300s...315 maybe...i don't have a scale so i'm not sure..but it's definitely not 360

mind u...mine is a 48 inch shaft too

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just got a tapered one and the kick seems to be quite good (better than my vector 110) for the price ill probably buy a bunch of em.

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i just picked up two of the standard 260s. Initially I recieved a wooden plank instead of the shafts when it arrived, but that was settled and eventually I recieved my shafts. Anyways I scratched one down a little and it is completely red underneath with a black stripe streaking down the top of the shaft. Also Ive looked inside the shafts and I can't find any writing. Also to anyone with a novius, is it very distinct the boron spine side and the concave side?

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