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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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doing a project at school and need to know when the first one-piece composite stick was invented and who invented it. thanks.

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I agree with Eazy - pretty sure the first one piece (composite) was Busch (although, before they had their share agreement with Itech, they had a deal with Sher-Wood and had the Sher-Wood Carbone (you want to talk durable?))

(according to their website, http://www.busch-hockey.com/index2_e.htm , they said Pro's had been using the OPS since 1992. I don't think the Sher-Wood was OK'd by the NHL, so it's possible they had developed even earlier than that)

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Koho XL-1.

when did this appear exaclty? it's the one with the oval shaft and really thick ABS style blade right?

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I had some of those Koho's with the oval shafts..went great with the euro type gloves (XL-7 or something like that)

what was the Jofa Black Shot classified as then?? I remember recoiling at the $49 price tag!!

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just wondering if anyone knows who the 1st player to use the busch stick was? I'm pretty sure Derron Quint was the 1st player to use the synergy

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