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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission sponsor

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i'm playing in a league this year where one of the teams is sponsored by mission or so they say. I was wondering how do you go about getting sponsored by mission and what you get for free... i like free stuff :rolleyes:

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Depending on heavily sponsored you are, you could get basically everything. But most teams get price breaks on jerseys and matching pants from their sponsors.

You can get a sponsor by showing good sportsmanship both on and off the rink. Not to mention that you have to do well in big tournaments. They're not going to sponsor an "average joe" house league team.

Also if you're teams staff is well known in the hockey world, you'll have a slightly higher chance in obtaining a sponsorship. (Pedro @ Team Breakaway, Timmy @ Empire Snipers, etc.)

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that is what i thought but the team that is saying that they are being sponsored is a "average joe" team playing in a house league. maybe they are just BSing.

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A ton of times I've played against sponsored teams in house leagues. But they're just tournament teams getting in a league, and 90% of the time they don't use their regular tournament team name....or if they do, they don't use the sponsor's name.

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they aren't bs-ing. if you actually knew more about their team, maybe you would be competent enough to cast your judgement. half of the team plays on team mission in the narch tournament.

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When I played for Timmy McManus on the Mission Snipers we were given everything.

Sticks, helmets, gloves, pants, skates, even protective equipment if we needed it.

You have to create a name for yourself in the Inline Hockey world. Win some big tournaments, have a great attitude off the rink, and when you are on the rink, don't be headcases.

A major company will not want to sponsor a team that will make their company look bad, obviously.

Those days were the best of my life. Everything was free, inline hockey was extremely fun (not as fun as ice), and we were winning. What more could you ask for? Good times.

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#94, did you play with Thompson and that group? or more along the lines of Mosenson, Oliveri, Cannone, etc?

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so someone by the name J. Lee who is asian and plays in bear leagues can't get sponsored based on name alone huh... :rolleyes:

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#94, did you play with Thompson and that group? or more along the lines of Mosenson, Oliveri, Cannone, etc?

I played with John Mosenson, Andrew Oliveri, Pat Cannone, Devon Kloss, Jeff Ramsden, Tristen Gardener, Rob DeMayo, Chris Miller, Christian Jensen (Drafted San Jose), and other guys I just can't remember names.

When I played for the 99'ers, we had: Brandon Powell, Jake Vollman, Jeff Ramsden, Bobby Stevenson (now Ryan), Matt Opperman, Kevin Bachman, JD Davidson, and others.

Growing up, we would all practice with CJ and Jamie Yoder, Jay Mazer, Mike Ritz, Ron Tracey(who lived in my house for a good amount of time) you know, all the PA guys.

Recently, I have not played much, but damn, Pedro refuses to leave Bobby and I alone about playing with one of his teams.

Bobby cannot play because he is not allowed to, and my excuse is on along the same lines (only exception is I'm not a projected 1st rounder. 7th or 8th is more accurate).

Those definitely were the days, though.

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