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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tom ehrhardt49

new helmet

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i was looking through one of the junior hockey newspapers the other day and found an advertisement for a new helmet. i forget what it was called but looked similar to the new reebok, did anybody else notice this?

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Well, it's been 8 months since they asked me to sign up as a dealer and commit money to them without ever seeing the helmet or having a release date and the helmets still aren't out on the market.

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Well, it's been 8 months since they asked me to sign up as a dealer and commit money to them without ever seeing the helmet or having a release date and the helmets still aren't out on the market.

Well it's a darn good thing none of us in my family need new helmets just yet. Another year though, and that will change.

Looks like it'll be much later on this year if they actually do hit the market.

Did you pony up or let it slide?

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I actually just got an email from Hefter today.

According to the email, price will be $139.99 and it will be available "later this summer."

Yup...got that one today too.

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Well, it's been 8 months since they asked me to sign up as a dealer and commit money to them without ever seeing the helmet or having a release date and the helmets still aren't out on the market.

Well it's a darn good thing none of us in my family need new helmets just yet. Another year though, and that will change.

Looks like it'll be much later on this year if they actually do hit the market.

Did you pony up or let it slide?

No. I was glad I didn't as they wouldn't let anyone actually touch the product in Vegas either. I can't imagine anyone would sign up to sell a product that they couldn't examine from a startup company.

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I don't know what anyone was told at the show..but Hefter had said then that they weren't going to ship until mid to late summer...

Chadd, weren't you telling me in another thread that it was better for these smaller companies to wait until the product is right before launching ? :D

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I don't know what anyone was told at the show..but Hefter had said then that they weren't going to ship until mid to late summer...

Chadd, weren't you telling me in another thread that it was better for these smaller companies to wait until the product is right before launching ? :D

Absolutely, but they also better not expect me to sign up a year before the product is released. You really need to examine it to see if it's a dog or not.

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