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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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just saw the rep today, the new pro lite OPS is real nice, 425 g and comes in 8 curves i believe. the one below, the torch aint too bad either. plus the pro lite comes in a tapered shaft version, and torch in stadard.

the graphite blades were horrendous, heavy and very thick, plus christian would is suspect in their tapered blades.

btw christian owns harrow

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dark blue with a black blade with slick finish

torch red to black blade same finish

i also saw the harrow v.3., nto impressed wiht the regular but the v.3 harrow sabre had a very very nice grip on it.

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just saw the rep today, the new pro lite OPS is real nice, 425 g and comes in 8 curves i believe. the one below, the torch aint too bad either. plus the pro lite comes in a tapered shaft version, and torch in stadard.

the graphite blades were horrendous, heavy and very thick, plus christian would is suspect in their tapered blades.

btw christian owns harrow

I think some of the admins here (Chad?) have used some of the Christian tapered blades and said they liked them.

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just saw the rep today, the new pro lite OPS is real nice, 425 g and comes in 8 curves i believe. the one below, the torch aint too bad either. plus the pro lite comes in a tapered shaft version, and torch in stadard.

the graphite blades were horrendous, heavy and very thick, plus christian would is suspect in their tapered blades.

btw christian owns harrow

I think some of the admins here (Chad?) have used some of the Christian tapered blades and said they liked them.

They're very good.

I have not seen a standard shaft from Christian, all of their shafts are tapered as far as I have been told and there isn't a standard shaft listed in the pricelist or catalog. The new fiver wrap that Christian uses on their wood blades is excellent too. I've been using my customs for over a month now.

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christian owns harrow

Other way around. Harrow bought the Christian name after the old family-run Christian company went out of business.

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