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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Chris Drury was a nasty baseball player ,he even played in the little league world series

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Chris Drury was a nasty baseball player ,he even played in the little league world series

I was there and I still have a Trumbull National shirt somewhere. As many times as ESPN has mentioned it on the air, I would think everyone would know it by now. Last time I checked, 6-8 NHL players took part in the LLB world series. Turgeon and Matteau, the next best known. Drury is the only one to win.

Glavine was drafted several rounds before Luc Robitaille.

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i know all the drurys seeing how i live in Ct,and have skated with Ted and Chris,and their brother (i cant remember his name)..Chris said that he would of wanted to play pro baseball but he was more interested in hockey

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i know all the drurys seeing how i live in Ct,and have skated with Ted and Chris,and their brother (i cant remember his name)..Chris said that he would of wanted to play pro baseball but he was more interested in hockey

Actually, his wrist injury was the biggest part of getting out of baseball.

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This is sort of random but Keanu Reeves was drafted by the Toronto Leafs.

He was a very good goalie, played for De La Salle in Toronto I believe, played in the OHL. Eventually decided to pursue acting which was obviously a good choice.

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This is sort of random but Keanu Reeves was drafted by the Toronto Leafs.

He was a very good goalie, played for De La Salle in Toronto I believe, played in the OHL. Eventually decided to pursue acting which was obviously a good choice.

He was the goalie in Youngblood.

Oops. Guess I should have read page 2 before posting.

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