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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Oakley Mace gloves for $60

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hockeymonkey.com is having an oakley closeout with the maces being only $60, thats more than half off the original price. These are my current gloves and are amazing. Im considering getting some more if the price is this low.

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For the people that use these gloves, how do you guys like them? I need to pick up another pair of gloves in different colors, and lets face it, 60 bucks is a good price. Only problem is I am pretty picky when it comes to gloves, and I haven't worn anything but Easton( Z-Airs, and UL-Pro's) for the last few years. So really what I would like to know is if they are anything like the Easton gloves( lightweight, good protection, easy break-in ect.) or are they a totally different glove. I know the easy way to figure this out would be to go to my LHS, but I can't seem to find a store that even carries the Oakley gloves around here.

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I think they are okay, but they don't seem very ergonomic to me. I think if they had tapered fingers, they would be a lot more comfortable. The fingers bunch up for me when I close my hand, so I get a little bit of strain on the back side of my hand.

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For the people that use these gloves, how do you guys like them? I need to pick up another pair of gloves in different colors, and lets face it, 60 bucks is a good price. Only problem is I am pretty picky when it comes to gloves, and I haven't worn anything but Easton( Z-Airs, and UL-Pro's) for the last few years. So really what I would like to know is if they are anything like the Easton gloves( lightweight, good protection, easy break-in ect.) or are they a totally different glove. I know the easy way to figure this out would be to go to my LHS, but I can't seem to find a store that even carries the Oakley gloves around here.

I have a pair. They're quite roomy, comfortable, and extremely protective. I have a pair of pro returns, however, and the fit/finish is a little questionable (loose strings here and there, a missed stitch or some slight gaps, that sort of thing). It hasn't comprimised the gloves durability however.

I would forewarn the note about it's roomy-ness. If you like a tight fitting glove, I think you should try a pair on before buying.

I have not had any "bunching" problem that the user above mentioned (I'd go back and reference who.... but I'm lazy).

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For the people that use these gloves, how do you guys like them? I need to pick up another pair of gloves in different colors, and lets face it, 60 bucks is a good price. Only problem is I am pretty picky when it comes to gloves, and I haven't worn anything but Easton( Z-Airs, and UL-Pro's) for the last few years. So really what I would like to know is if they are anything like the Easton gloves( lightweight, good protection, easy break-in ect.) or are they a totally different glove. I know the easy way to figure this out would be to go to my LHS, but I can't seem to find a store that even carries the Oakley gloves around here.

My old gloves were ul-pros. I like both pairs alot but it dpends if you like an roomy or a tight glove. cuase the oakleys are very tight and the ul-pros are very loose

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i modified my maces, i cut out most of the padding stuff, its almost like an eagle now. feels good to me.

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i modified my maces, i cut out most of the padding stuff, its almost like an eagle now. feels good to me.

which pieces padding you removed??

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i modified my maces, i cut out most of the padding stuff, its almost like an eagle now. feels good to me.

My brother had also did this on his pair when he had them 3 years ago... It felt much better after...

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