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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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playing on cement

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alright i went to a friends drop in thing and it was a cement floor... indoor cement floor though so it's smooth. my problem is that i wasn't getting very much grip and was sliding to much when i was turning at higher speeds. I'm currently using the CCM PF10s which are brand new so i had RR blue flames on which as also new. So why am i sliding all over the place? i normally play on sportscourt and had no problems. I did touch the ground a few times because i thought it was really dirty or something but it wasn't. Anyone else have this problem or know what i can do to solve it? different wheel or something? i plan to play there every week from here on but i don't want to "take it easy" or have that in the back of my mind everytime i make a turn there.

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Sounds like it may have been waxed. Generally happens around here on floors that are mainly used for Lacrosse. No offense, basically, your screwed. I played on Concrete for a while. I loved my RR Hot Shots, but really, you'll never get great grip. It's just a matter of learning your limits on that floor.

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Yeah I played on an ice rink in the summer, so it was the concrete that's under the ice. Very slippery. Totally took away my confidence in terms of sharp turns and cuts. I agree with EZ, you just have to get used to it and learn your limits. There are things you won't be able to do like you do on sportcourt.

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I had the same problem at my local rink, and I agree with EZ, the floor was probably waxed; but some of my teammates thought the floor was super dusty or something, which may have attributed to the "no grip" situation. I played at the same rink about a week after and it was in superb condition. My wheels (RR hornets) were gripping like crazy and I can actually turn. Possibly the maintance cleaned it, I dunno. So hopefully, this may be your situtation, just give it some time and hopefully the slippery-ness will go away.

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When I played in a tournament on cement, they did put something on the floor to make it more grippy. I don't if it was a spray or something else but I didn't felt a difference over the sportscourt.

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ya i think it is waxed now that you've talked about it cause there was a league lacrosse game right before we went on. well that sure sucks... do they wax it so that they'll slide a bit when they fall hard or something? <_< so there isn't any special trick or stuff i can put on my wheels that will increase the grip on waxed floors? nothing major though cause i still need to play on sports court and i don't want to destory my new wheels

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You could go down to a different set of wheels and try some "unusual tactics". I knew some guys who used to dip their wheels in Coke before games, but this was in the early days of roller around here (8-10 years ago)

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See if you can find anywhere that carries Cyko wheels. The blue ice wheel they make is prolly the grippiest wheels I've ever tried, but shreds on sportcourt. One of our outdoor parks here is a glazed concrete, similar to what you described, and the blue ice are the best I've found for slick surfaces like that. The best part is they usually run about 4.00 per wheel.

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EZ, what's "woke". I used to spray hairspray on the wheels. It actually works very well for about a period, then it's completely worn off.

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Coke? Wow that works? I guess maybe the sugary base gets sticky or something.

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Every rink in Edmonton is cement. Normally at older arena's the floors slippery but at the newer ones it isn't that bad.

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I'm having this problem at the rink at my school, we took down the ice and i'm using it for inline training. If I get the blue ice wheels should I be good for indoor stuff there?

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good is a relative term, but they have been the best I've found for grip, especially on slick surfaces like what has been described. As I said though, they'll shred on sportcourt.

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when i use to play roller the first game i play i couldnt stand up my wheels where soo slick on the cement but after a few games i got use to it.

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It's probably what the others said and it's the slippery floor. I don't know what else it could be? Dirty bearings are always a culprit on my skates.

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