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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bad Accident #2

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Well, get ready for a long post..

Yesterday I was at my buddy's house, we were just sitting around and we decided to go out quading. So, we head out. I, being the least experienced got the smallest and least powerful quad to have. So, we head around on some trails, go to my friends house (in construction) you know just rolling around. So we are heading up this ditch, and there is a well next to the ditch. Guess what happened? I rolled right into the well. I hit my leg extremely hard on a metal stake, and I thought it had impaled my leg. I also hit my head really hard on a rock, but I had a helmet on and that was fine. We took about 25 minutes to get the quad out of the well and then to get me up and home.

I didn't look at my leg until we were home, we were icing it and then my friend's dad (the one who played in the show for Edmonton) said you know, we should take a look at it. Keep in mind, up to this point I thought I could walk it off, and thought it was a charlie horse. I rolled up my boxers and then I saw the gash. Absolutely gross, most disgusting thing I have seen in my life. It was about 6-7 inches long and 3-4 inches deep. I was less than 2 cm away from cutting the tendon. So, I got lucky there. We figured we should head out to the hospital, and did.

Arrived there around 1 hour later, and we were lucky that I was with his dad, who knows his way around hospitals. He's had stiches numerous times from high sticks and such. He drives into the ambulance bay, grabs a wheelchair, then wheels me in. Pretty much professionally big wheels the nurse and convinces her to put me in the operating room. I sat on the bed for about 1 hr, then the doctors came in. Cleaned me right up, by then it was around 1 AM. I was put on the waiting list for about 20 minutes in the middle of the surgery, because they had a gunshot victim (I think). My dad passed out, they said he was really nervous and they took him into a whole other room and hooked him up to an IV and pumped him full of the juice. Anywho, I ended up getting 11 deep stitches, which will stay in forever (eventually dissolve) and I got 46 stiches on the top that will come out in 2 weeks, and I emptied 2 bottles of freezant :angry: . This was my first hospital trip ever, too :D . Sorta sucks, It hurts like a mother too.

So, now I am stuck on the couch for a couple a days, can't move too well. I'm outta hockey for a while too, until it's 100%. Luckily I will probably have a full recovery and I will have a little more time on MSH now!

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That is one crazy story there. I find quads can be quite dangerous, one of my dad's friend's son who also was pretty inexperienced tried going up this slope which was way too big and he flipped his quad and broke his leg.

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Your extremely lucky lol......If that was your tendon, you wouldve been in some serious trouble hockey wise (not that you arent now)...Get well soon though :)

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Wow man sorry to hear. That sucks big time. I had something similar happen to me when I was on a trip with my friend in Georgia.

My second time riding ATV's turned out to be scary. I was riding, and went to make a turn. I didn't make the turn tight enough. I either was going too slow, or just didn't get it sharp enough. I ended up falling down a 10 foot hill, having the ATV roll over on top of me. It took me a good two or three minutes to try and get the ATV off my body, but I hurt my ankle, and hurt my wrist pretty bad from it. Safe to say I was done riding it for the day. No damage to the ATV, which was good being it wasn't mine. But serves me well for doing 60 when he told us we could only do 20-25 mph. Taught me a lesson I won't forget. I'll say that for the rest of the week I followed the speed limit.

But I hope you get better. Best wishes :)

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good luck with your recovery :)

at least now you'll get to slow down and contemplate the deeper meaning of life ;)

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