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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy Shafts

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Does anyone know if easton is going to put out like "Synergy SL" or "Synergy ST" shafts? Or is most of the new technology in them from the blade and where the blade connects to the shaft?

I have one of the older orange synergy's as a shaft - but that's because it was a once peice that broke and i flipped it over and put a blade in it.

Do you think Easton will ever make them, or would it be better to just buy broken ones off of ebay?

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i dont think they will be make ST shafts. why would they it would be the same as a synthesis. maybe synthesis ST blade with the 3rib sysmeter or whatever its called

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Ya i dont think that easton will come out with shafts for the 05 one peices . I mean they keep the Ultra Lite shafts goin they just remade that so i dont think they will come out with those Shafts

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I would expect to see some new tapered shafts roll out next year. The Synth and L2 will probably be complimented, if not replaced, by the new SL and Hex shafts.

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so would it be safe to say that if they were going to come out with anything - that it wouldn't be until the end of this year?

i just dont want to go buy a new shaft and then they come out with the new ones the following month

i dunno if we have any Easton employees on here - but i need to buy a shaft soon and i was curious when, if ever, they are going to come out

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so would it be safe to say that if they were going to come out with anything - that it wouldn't be until the end of this year?

i just dont want to go buy a new shaft and then they come out with the new ones the following month

i dunno if we have any Easton employees on here - but i need to buy a shaft soon and i was curious when, if ever, they are going to come out

If you're worried about something new coming out, you'll never buy any stick. Since they weren't discussed at the show, in the catalog or even rumored to exist, I can't imagine anything would be released before December.

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ok lol - i needed a shaft within the next 2 months - but since noone has heard anything about them i wont worry about it

i just wanted to check and see if anyone else knew something i didn't

thanks for the help!

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I would expect to see some new tapered shafts roll out next year. The Synth and L2 will probably be complimented, if not replaced, by the new SL and Hex shafts.

Why would they make the Hex shaft, the majority of the technology is in the blade.

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I would expect to see some new tapered shafts roll out next year. The Synth and L2 will probably be complimented, if not replaced, by the new SL and Hex shafts.

Why would they make the Hex shaft, the majority of the technology is in the blade.

The shaft doesn't feel the same as the M1. If it's a new shaft, I would think they would eventually produce the new shaft for retail sale. The L2 is good but not on par with some of the other tapered shafts on the market in terms of performance.

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