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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wood stick quality

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I know why pro curves aren't offered to the public.

But why aren't custom quality woods not offered retail?

I can't tell from personal experience, but from what I read here, pro stock woodies have incredible feel, consistency, weight and durability.

But if they offered these to the public, they'd sell like hot cakes............wellllllllll, I imagine they'd be more expensive, but there's def a niche market there right?

I hear rave reviews about so and so's SOP's or naslund's pro nike woods for example. Why not raise the standard for retail woods (though I understand wood is a shrinking market).

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Consistancy still isn't that good and people generally don't want to pay what a perfect wood stick would cost.

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my guess is that the SOP's and pro stock woods are much more expensive than the regular woods you see, and since they're just wood sticks, the regular consumer probably would not see a reason to spend an extra $10-20 on a stick that doesn't have any more technology to make it "better".

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there not that much better. i had a SOP blade that last just as long as a 950 blade. and there here SOP's and retail's are the same price.

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You can find alot of prostock wood sticks at equipment sales hosted by NHL teams. However I doubt there are going to be any sales any time soon so your only bet might be eBay. At the Canucks sale last year, they sold old and new wood sticks ranging from $10-$25. $10 for Jofas used by the Sedins and $15 for 9950's used by Rucinsky. $25 were the brand new ones but were sold out by the time I got in.

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