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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How often do you tape your stick?

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i put a piece of electrical tape on the bottom, and then tape around it and it dosent wear ont eh bottom too quickly, then i just change the tape when its getting reallly beat up from skates etc.

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Blade every ice time, and top when it starts to look bad; that can mean one ice time or 5. I only do a thin wrap similiar to how I do my blade, so it wears down quick.

Edit: And I only use white tape. Though, I had to use pink for my shins once, as the only person who had any bloody tape was a girl...

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I spray my handle with the same antibacterial spray I use for my equipment. If it's getting ragged then I either take a lighter to it to get rid of excess fibers and whatnot or I remove the tape below the knob and put a layer over the knob and down the shaft a few inches. I avoid retaping the knob at all costs because I use a large knob... yes, I said large knob.

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what buttend tape is good for goat palms?

For my goat eagles i just taped the knob and grip with normal hockey tape.

and it doesnt tear them up 2 bad?

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I'm about once every other skate for the blade. Handle whenever it needs it. I usually switch sticks before I need to change the handle.

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Mine, for some reason never really gets that beat up. I tape it about every 3 games. I double tape it for a softer catch, but it usually never gets throught he 1st layer. I DO buy nice tape too.

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I know I used white tape on the knob so that my palms didn't get marked up.

But if your just worried about breaking down the palms, choosing white tape wont make any difference.

White tape, black tape, red tapes. It's all tape and it'll breakdown the palm of the glove.

The colored tapes just mark up the inside.

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I usually tape mine every 3rd ice time, unless i get a good scratch in it or somethin, as far as doing the handle always try to use white tape, Coloured/black tape wear out the palms in your gloves faster.

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here is my tip, put one layer of tape along the bottom of the blade then start wrapping up the blade with your hockey tape. This way you won't have to go through as many tape jobs because its usually the bottom of the blade that gets worn out first.

Yeah, I agree with him on that one. It saves you about 5 ice times of not taping your stick that way.

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