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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dying gloves

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I have a pair off bauer XV gloves in all black and as my shirts are yelow n black i was wondering if i could dye parts of the glove, as painting woudnt work because it would just chip or peal of. :)

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It'd be one thing going from a lighter color to a darker one, but I seriously doubt (short of painting, which you have already pointed out the flaw of - not to mention what it'd likely do to the leather, especially regarding making it stiffer) that you can go from black to yellow with dye.

Regardless, you have black gloves, part of your jersey is black..... so why ruin a pair of gloves?

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I have a pair off bauer XV gloves in all black and as my shirts are yelow n black i was wondering if i could dye parts of the glove, as painting woudnt work because it would just chip or peal of. :)

Maybe you could find an equipment repair shop that could put some yellow clarino into it. For example, I sent a customer to a local repair guy with his goal gloves. He paid $100 to have some major color changes to have them match his pads. I would think a couple of yellow rolls or cuff color change would be way less than that. Just a thought.

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what about screen printing on yellow paint? That takes forever to come off.

Jimmy, are there any websites online that will do the color change, or an e-mail or phone for the shop I could send it to?

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I don't think a glove would fit in a screen printer's machine.

Try total sports repair in Salem, NH. I think it's TSRHockey.com. They specialize in Bauer too. I have another place but I'm home now. Will post it tomorrow when I get to the shop.

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If it's possible, I might do this to my XXX's next year. I am getting either the New Pro Tacks/RBK 8K next year for free...but I have to wear them in games. I might as well have them as practice gloves/shinny and what not.

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You could always try and get your hands on a pair of Colorado College Vapor XX's.

Keep your eyes peeled, as they may pop up on eBay.

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You could always try and get your hands on a pair of Colorado College Vapor XX's.

Keep your eyes peeled, as they may pop up on eBay.

Yea, some Ohio State or BU XX's would be pretty killer. It would be hard to find em in my size, but you never know..

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