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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rick Nash

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Anybody else see this? I thought it was pretty gutless, he hooked a ref pretty hard twice, and shoved a linesman, he didnt get displined at all, hes a good player and im going for Canada, but him not getting in any trouble for what he did ressurects the argument that Canadians get special treatment in inter. play

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Ya i heard about this dident see it live because the Tsn cameras dident catch it only the swedish camera man did it turns out that the only reason he dient get supsended or anytthing was because the refs dident like file a report or anytthing .

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I saw the video...don't get me wrong, I love Nash. He's one of my favorite players, has been for a year or two. But that was definitely intentional. The hook is 100% intentional, and it looks like to contact with the linsemen was more of him just getting in the way when Nash spun around. I can't believe he wasn't booted from the tournament. What the TSN report said that the ref might be scared to challenge Canada, which i guess is true.

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I didn't see it, but under no circumstances should a player ever touch a ref. Period. It doesn't matter who the player is or what country he plays for, he needs to be punished. Hell, I've been kicked out of a tournament for skating backwards into a ref on accident.

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I love Nash, but I have no idea what he was thinking there. Can't believe he got off so easy.

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he was skating beside a guy with like 3 mins left in the game. and he only had one hand on his stick, and the guy dived. he got called for tripping. and he was pissed.

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One of my favorite players, but this was not dismissable. He should be disciplined, regardless if he is a leading player/scorer. He purposefully hooked the ref, for about 2 seconds, the ref threw his stick off of him, then the linesman grabbed him, Nash pushed him away angrily. Very uncharacteristic.

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If the incident was Nash's reaction to bad reffing/calls...I hope he has it out of his system by tomorrow...Canada plays Ukraine, and from what McGuire/Miller were saying during the Fin/Latvia game today on TSN the 'Kraines were pretty dirty versus USA.

I'd expect some diving and bad calls tomorrow.

He's definately lucky though. He should have been suspended (if not tossed right out of the tourney). If that was the NHL he'd be gone for at least 10 games...probably more like 20.

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Anyone have the video?I've only seen stills and can't find the video.And I don't know why the ref didn't file anything.

TSN has it.

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Things like this help the other top-tier hockey nations hate our (Canadian) guts and get paranoid about preferential treatment for the Canadian teams.

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I definitly not saying what Nash did was right but can the IIHF please get some half decent refs. The penatly they gave Nash a few minutes before was disguisting

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