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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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are nikes bakeable?

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Yes, thay can be baked in a skate oven. As for other means of breaking them in, put them on without any socks while watching TV. Make sure you wear them long enough for your feet to get sweaty inside the boot.

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Yes I think they can be baked, but most people that have tried them say that they are one of the most comfortable skates right out the box! You do understand that baking your skates can prematurely brake them down. Try them out first, if they don't fit well then try baking them.

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If these are the Nike Quest Hi-Ho Silvers, I think you should forego the baking. It's thermformable fit, it's not necessary for you to bake the skates. On Nike Quest ice hockey skates, it states that you do not need to bake them, and I think they recommend you don't bake them.

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most people that have tried them say that they are one of the most comfortable skates right out the box!

i have a pair of hiho's and i would have to agree malcb33, they are the most comfortable skates right out of the box... definitely no need to bake them

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