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Roller Hockey tips

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Today i played roller hockey for the first time in my life. And at the end i was to hot and sweaty it was unbleavibable. We were so hot that at the end of our shifts we would take of our shirt, elbow pads, and shoulder padsand let the arena breeze cool us of, Our team most of gone through almost 100 water bottles. So anyway my question is, is there any way to not get so hot when you play, or differnt kind of equipment that lets the air pass throught better. I also noticed about 2 people had these kind of pants that were black and white (ccm) and they had about 2 million little holes that let the air go throught while the rest of the people had normal ice hockey stuff. What are these pants called??

thanks Michael

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When I play I normally don't have overheating problems. I wear...

helmet (open face)

jersey (nothing under)



underarmor shorts

roller hockey pants

shins (with laces, not tape)

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Ice gear is a big no-no for that reason, it just doesn't breathe well. Roller hockey pants can be found all over, and make life much better because they do pass air so much better. The other thing is to look for lightweight jerseys and don't wear an underlayer.

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only the kids that are 16 or older don't have to wear it. But if you are beetween 11 to 15 you have to. So do you think it would be better to go an buy light wieght shoulder pads.??

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If you have to wear full pads, you can get an inline girdle with roller pants in place of ice pants. I'm not sure where you're at, but it's actually against uniform rules from USA Inline to wear ice pants, and must be roller pants or long sweats. If you have to wear shoulder pads (not even sure why unless you're playing full contact) I'd find as lightweight as possible.

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if you HAVE to wear shoulderpads, do what I did when I was a kid for roller. get the cheapest lightest weight shoulderpads you can find, and cut the shoulder caps off.

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If you have to wear full pads, you can get an inline girdle with roller pants in place of ice pants. I'm not sure where you're at, but it's actually against uniform rules from USA Inline to wear ice pants, and must be roller pants or long sweats. If you have to wear shoulder pads (not even sure why unless you're playing full contact) I'd find as lightweight as possible.

I play in montreal. I don't play in a league it's just for a class i take(sort of) It's cause i'm in this advanced class were if you get an 85 average or more you can take up a sport for the after noon instead of doing classes. And well i'm in hockey so now that the ice is melted i'm playing roller.

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Here's some lightweight shoulder pads…

Itech shoulder pads

And if your looking for inexpensive pants to start off with…


Sorry, those don't have a lot of size options available. The big daddys have a few more and for an extra 10 bucks, so do the Vapor 6.

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only the kids that are 16 or older don't have to wear it. But if you are beetween 11 to 15 you have to. So do you think it would be better to go an buy light wieght shoulder pads.??

wow that league really sux...there really is no point to wearing shoulder pads in inline hockey unless you get hurt easily or you are playing full contact which you rarely ever do.

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Have someone tell the school that the kids are more likely to get "injured" from heat stroke, than from playing with less equipment if they make them continue that way....seriously....

Lacrosse shoulder padds are pretty light too....

Most guys who play full contact "pro" inline do not even wear shoulder pads....many do not even wear girdles....just gloves, elbows, shins, protector's and helmets along with free breathing mesh inline outers...no unders at all.

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I convinced more than a few people to wear shoulderpads and girdles when I played inline. After a couple of welts and bruises, they were ready for some protection.

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You just need to get used to the heat thats all matey. Im sure it isn't that bad as the summer season of Inline here get as hot as 45.C on the rink floor! :(

"Skate through it" as they say and you'll notice yourself getting fitter and upto speed in no time. Unfortunately welts and bruises are part of it all. I cannot imagine the flack I'd get from my own team mates, littlethough the "extra attention" the other team would give me. No one wears shoulder pads here and in the higher Senior grades if you wear shoulder pads you generally get boarded allot. ;)

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just make sure you wear something that works like dri-fit on top and nothing else except your jersey. don't wear a girdle if you don't fall a lot, also a nice trick that i've been doing is wearing JR shin pads which is a lot lighter. i'm 5'11 and i can still fit into JR shin pads for roller... there is a small gap but it's nothing much. on the bench keep a towel handy or if it's really hot bring a ice cold bucket out to the bench and soak the towel in it , hand dry it and put it on top of your head in between shifts. that will cool you down real fast when your on the bench but just don't knock the bucket down! rollerblades and water don't mix well... :rolleyes:

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One of the guys on my roller team replaced his ice hockey socks with mesh socks he made from sleeves of an old hockey jersey.. He seems to like it and its more breethable... He also wears a hockey girdle and a really thin shell with no padding.. basically a huge pair of shorts

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is there any way to not get so hot when you play, or differnt kind of equipment that lets the air pass throught better

theres not really any way of not getting sweaty, i think if you get sweaty then you get sweaty but as long as you air your stuff out then it'll be fine, its not like the sweat is going to kill you!

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no way should u wear ice equipment for roller go with the tiny puny bauer elbow pads n shin guards gloves r gloves there all the same u cant do anything about that go with a bauer helmet with that new foam in it thats wut i have n i love it i dont get to hot on the tiles


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