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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Broken Response

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Sorry if this has been posted but i tried the search engine and came up with nothing. One of my Responses finally broke and know i need to cut it to fit an R2 blade to it. Where do i begin cutting so i can still use the thing, thanks

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The fuse point should be visable as a small crack in the finish a couple inches above the blade. It's also about 4 inches or so down from the end of the texture. If you cut at the fuse point you will have to chip out the remaining hosel. Cutting halfway between the fuse point and the end of the texture should miss all of the hosel but you will have to put a plug in the end of the shaft.

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Is this the same for synergy's??? I cut my response lat time, and no blade could fit, so i kept cutting and found that the whole becomes narrower from blade to top. Where should I cut synergy intermediate 2003 grip, and which blade is good to put in a synergy shaft???



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I find if you run your fingers over the shaft at the bottom (kind of like squeezing it between your index finger and thumb), you can easily feel the bump where the fuse point is. It shouldn't be hard to find.

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For ur shaft i depends where it broke, im pretty sure you meant the blade that broke, you can take the blade out of those sticks. You find the fuse point and cut all around it and then you heat the stick and the shove it in a vise and just pull it out, and the just shove ur R2 blade in it, i make it sound easy but if your new to this it may be a bit harder or inform urself to someone, im sure there was a very good topic on this a few weeks back i think it was called taking blade out of an XN10

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The technique and putting in a new tapered blade into the tapered end is not a problem.

My major concern is regarding the performance of the new combo.

I wanted to know if the combo will perform just as well as an R2 shaft with a tapered blade in it and how the combo holds up durability wise.

The people at United Cycle in Edmonton say that it will not perform nearly as well as an OPS or an acutal tapered 2pc combo. I wanted to see what the people at MSH have to say about a converted OPS into a tapered shaft.

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I've made a few Responses into tapered shafts, and they feel the same as my buddy's R2 shafts (we use the same Bauer 7500 tapered wood blade).

I just made an XN10 Response into a tapered shaft, and it feels and shoots great.

I definitely don't have the soft hands, so take that into account, too.

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The technique and putting in a new tapered blade into the tapered end is not a problem.

My major concern is regarding the performance of the new combo.

I wanted to know if the combo will perform just as well as an R2 shaft with a tapered blade in it and how the combo holds up durability wise.

The people at United Cycle in Edmonton say that it will not perform nearly as well as an OPS or an acutal tapered 2pc combo. I wanted to see what the people at MSH have to say about a converted OPS into a tapered shaft.

thats cuz they want u to buy a new one from them ;)

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