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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Selecting proper LIE

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How does one select the proper LIE in a stick blade.

I have 2 sticks.

One has a 4.5 lie and the other says 6.5

I"m 5'8" and play RW

The best way to find out is by using the sticks. If the tape on the bottom of the blade wears mostly on the heel then this lie is too high. If it wears mostly on the toe then the lie is too low. If the tape wears evenly or is mostly in the middle then it is just right.

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I'd say that it's more a matter of finding the right lie than making any type of decision. Stick length is going to be a huge part of the equation. The other part is how far from your body you like to have the puck. Once you have those two things determined, find a blade that is as flat on the ice as possible and you found your lie.

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How does one select the proper LIE in a stick blade.

I have 2 sticks.

One has a 4.5 lie and the other says 6.5

I"m 5'8" and play RW

seeing as you are using two lies that are tottaly opposite (one really high, one really low) use them both both and look at the tape like chippa said, one of the stick will be wearing totally at either the blade or the heel

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Great advice above, one other thing that you will notice that you make much better contact with the puck with the proper lie. The whole blade is sitting closer to the ice and you catch alot more of the puck.

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Seems like when the majority of the blade is on the ice when I skate, I seem to really "toe" the puck when I shoot....Improper shooting motion?

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Seems like when the majority of the blade is on the ice when I skate, I seem to really "toe" the puck when I shoot....Improper shooting motion?

Depends. If you're taking a lot of in close shots and trying to get them up quick, then no. However, if your talking about slap shots then yes.

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Yes, slap shots

By taking slapshots off the toe, you wind up losing a lot of velocity. You want to try and hit slap shots more in the middle of the blade.

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Ya I know lol.....I dont do it on purpose lol...any tips?

One thing you can try, when practicing your shot at home slow down the motion so that you guarantee that you are hitting the puck in the middle of the blade. After doing this for a while you will find that it gets easier and you can speed up the motion. Finally, you should be able to do it at full speed and hit the puck where you want. It's a golf practice trick that I think could help you.

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