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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Toe of blades keeps chipping

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I have a CCM OPS v120 and a Bauer Tru Flex sticks. Both of them are really chipping bad at the toe of the blade. Is this normal? Should I be trying a different stick pattern? This seems to happen to all my sticks fairly quickly. I'm going to try taping the entire blade and just trim the extra tape off the toe like I've seen suggested on here. I was just wondering if I should try a new pattern. Now I just need to decide on what stick to get!

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Are you one of the players who gets mad and bangs their toe on the ice?

Hey I've seen people like that before

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Digging in the boards and hitting the toe on the ice are the only logical explanations for it.So you must be doing one of those.

Blocking shots, stick checks or poke cheks could easily account for it as well.

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I have a CCM OPS v120 and a Bauer Tru Flex sticks.

Those are not wood.

And the award for "Most Blatantly Obvious Statement of the Year" goes to.... (opens envelope)

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faceoffs could chip blades very easy too.

Thanks. This is probably what it is since I'm a center. I never bang it against the boards or ice on purpose, but once in a while it gets scraped along the boards trying to dig out the puck, but its most likely the face offs. Guess I'll just tape the entire toe of the blade and see how that goes.

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i have had 2 tru flex. broke both of them within two weeks one was bad luck and i got it stuck in the boards, they gave me my money back for the second one so i got a R2 B)

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