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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Kariya pro curve?

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Probably been discussed before but the search function gave me about 40 pages to go through....

Does anyone know how the curve on Paul Kariya´s Synergys look like? I was told it was pretty similar to a retail Modano but I´d love to see some pics or have some more details.


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they had some kairya pro wood easton blades or something like that at sportcheck for sale at $10. The curve looked pretty straight with a very little bit of a mid curve. i don't think they were prostock though....

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Ive seen it on ebay too, sascha ;)

Why dont you mail me back or answer pm's/icq messages? :<

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they are almost exactly like the inno version. easton kp (kariya pro) is the ops pattern you've probably seen. paul kariya doesn't use ops sticks, its just another pro pattern now.

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Okay, I see. Well, what I take from the database it is like a toned down Iginla then? And what is the inno looking like? I have not seen any pictures of it....

While we are at it. Anyone know what Sergei Berzin pro-stock looks like?

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Berezin uses a Drury/YP.

The ones I've seen(on his Synergy) had more loft than and Drury and a bit more curved. That made me think to put his curve in the topic of the biggest pro curve.

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I get the impression alot of Euro's come over with big toes, and then, if they decide to switch, a Drury is usually their choice.

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I had a Kariya pro blade, it was a pretty small curve that slightly opened up from the middle to toe. I didn't care too much for wristers with it but it was really nice for slappers.

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