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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Graf 735 or G35

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well i've narrowed it down that the graf 735/G35 will fit my foot the best. im still kind of deciding which model. price is not a factor, but durability is. even though i hear that the white leather doesnt hold as well id still get the 735 great whites. the guy from the pro shop claims the G35s will be a much more durable skate but i dont know if hes just saying that, anyone own or tried either one of these skates reply here or PM me, thanks fellas

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well i've narrowed it down that the graf 735/G35 will fit my foot the best. im still kind of deciding which model. price is not a factor, but durability is. even though i hear that the white leather doesnt hold as well id still get the 735 great whites. the guy from the pro shop claims the G35s will be a much more durable skate but i dont know if hes just saying that, anyone own or tried either one of these skates reply here or PM me, thanks fellas

I call bull on the white leather being less durable. Mine are machines. The outsole may be less durable, but the color of the leather..?

I say go G-35 if it isn't a budget thing, I've heard good things.

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My only complaint with the Grafs is that the Clarino lining soaks up a ton of water. This has been the case with my G35's, despite spraying the linings with a silicone based waterproofer on a regular basis.

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Do you wear socks with yours Mojo? Just curious as I have a pair of G3's with lightspeeds waiting for me in the shop.

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I wear OxySocks. Hopefully Graf will come up with a moisture resistant liner like the other skate manufacturers have.

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yeah ive only seen in one case the outsole separating off the boot completley. but graf this yr has fixed the problem with moisture absorption because the material this year didnt breath 2 ways where this material there using will breath 2 ways according to my graf rep

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Well, 2 members on here from what I recall.

I would be one of those...I've had two pairs of the G-35s, and the outsoles have cracked/split on both skates of both pairs. I believe I wrote a review on them - check it out.

I suggest you go with the 7xx series.

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Just curious, what are you in now? You also had alot of problems with the XX breaking down didn't you? I know the problems are different, as the Grafs seem to be a defect where the Bauers were just breaking quickly from wear and tear.

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ive been wearing by g3s for over a yr now and my sole hasnt cracked at all. he mighta just gotten a bad batch and just so you know graf doesnt construct the outsoles on the G series skate its all done by bauer italy

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he mighta just gotten a bad batch

He's actually gone through 2 pairs. It took him some time to get his replacement pair, so I doubt that they're from the same batch.

My problem was with the innersole separating from the outersole. Along with the fact that they predrilled the soles for Cobra holders, and then enlarged them to make the t-blades fit.

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Just curious, what are you in now? You also had alot of problems with the XX breaking down didn't you?

Well, I'm still in the second pair of the G-35s, but not for much longer - I give them another week or so; they are totally shot.

As for the XXs: Yes, they did break down considerably, but I found I liked them more once they turned soft, so it wasn't a problem for me. I went through quite a few pairs of them, but it wasn't like they were falling apart as soon as I got them onto the ice, which has been the case with the Grafs.

I'm not a big kid by any stretch of the imagination, so I don't think we can pin the lack of durability of my skates on my size. But, to be fair, I spend alot of time on the ice every week, and I stay very, very low through my stride and finish with a considerably violent toe-snap.

I'm not even sure what my next pair of skates will be. I was thinking about the XXXs, but I've heard they don't break down nearly as much as the XXs, and as I said, I really only liked the Vapors once they turned to mush. We'll see. I was thinking about a pair of 735s, but their customer service gave me such a hard time I am having trouble justifying another Graf purchase.

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I was thinking about a pair of 735s, but their customer service gave me such a hard time I am having trouble justifying another Graf purchase.

my tought exactly

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