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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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need help please!

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Hey all, i would like to ask you guys' help on this one. I'm still pretty green to the game (and its gear) and I need advice selecting a blade. My choices are pretty limited (because of location as well as budget =p).

My LHS offers synthesis hybrid blades in Yzerman, Modano, Sakic, Shanahan and Drury. They also have a Bauer Jokinen wood blade. Can you guys offer suggestions? I like to take wrist shots and snap shots but what i'm really keen on is learning how to take slappers. Which of these curves is easiest to learn slapshots with? And what do they mean by "sweet spot"? Any advice is appreciated!

Oh, and my previous blade was a hybrid Sakic which frequently sent my shots into the cheapseats so I'm looking for something new!

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for slap shots, i would've suggested the Jokinen. typically, a heel curve as the Jokinen or drury will strike a slap shot very well. that being said, if you have control problems with a sakic, id suggest giving modano a try, sakic/jokinen/drury are very open blades, and modano is closed. control problems with a modano indicates a technique issue:)

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I would suggest the Shanahan blade. It is a longer blade so it has a larger sweet spot. For a less experianced player still learning different shots this will make it easier.

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I'd reccomend the Hybrid Modano. It's a great all-around curve for beginners. A sweet spot is a the flatter part of the curve making it better for striking the puck.

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I'd reccomend the Hybrid Modano. It's a great all-around curve for beginners.

It's a great curve for non-beginners too. I have been through the gamut and keep coming back to the Modano. I am fond of lower lies so there are 2 pluses for me.

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