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Memorial Cup

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Does anyone know if any TV stations are covering the Memorial Cup? I thought TSN would, but from looking at the TV schedule, it doesn't look like it.

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Well for us lucky folks in Portland, the Winterhawks organization and the fans put a lot of work into getting our local cable company (Comcast) to work out the details and get the games shown here. Just goes to show that if enough noise is made, just about anything can happen.

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I'm going to Game One (Rimouski v. London) on Saturday night...can't wait.

Can't decide who to root for...London as the home team...or Crosby (the "phenom" and hoepfully on day Hab).

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Does anyone know if any TV stations are covering the Memorial Cup? I thought TSN would, but from looking at the TV schedule, it doesn't look like it.

TSN never couvers major jr

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....except the WJC

Only Canada and the USA have players who play major jr the only teams only have players scattered through out there line up

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I'm going to Game One (Rimouski v. London) on Saturday night...can't wait.

Can't decide who to root for...London as the home team...or Crosby (the "phenom" and hoepfully on day Hab).

I bet you enjoyed that game. Two tops teams and they go into ot. :D

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It was a 20 minute overtime period. Methot scored before the period was up, not sure if they would have went to a second 20 minute period of overtime or not.

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I'm going to Game One (Rimouski v. London) on Saturday night...can't wait.

Can't decide who to root for...London as the home team...or Crosby (the "phenom" and hoepfully on day Hab).

I bet you enjoyed that game. Two tops teams and they go into ot. :D

It was a great game. A little chippy in the 2nd and 3rd. A few London fans thought Rimouski was dirty. The goalie took a few flops and knocked the net off to stop play a couple times. He did take a couple good runs though.

Crosby is as good as all hype. Very strong on the puck...amazing vison. He made a great pass on the second Oceanic goal, and was in great postion to score his.

Perry had a great little toe drag to freeze the D-man and goalie on his (second, I think) goal.

I'm glad I got to see him play live. I just wish I got SportsNet so I could watch the rest of the tourney.

[EDIT] It was Methot who had 2....he's 91...Perry is 94...got them confused.

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