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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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peter forsberg

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Yeah the paint job is custom, the stick is a team Sweeden Stealth. I think he switched to the SL Grip though, not positive but have seen him using it last I saw him play.

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Kessel does not use an intermediate synergy.

The regular synergys he used to use were colored to match the NTDP's colors. This color sheme happens to be the same as the intermediate synergy's color.

I have a good friend of the NTDP who uses synergys, his was also colored this way.

Kessel used a 100 flex Modano silver synergy. He now uses a 100 flex Modano SL.

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stupid question, but what is the main diff between intermediate sticks and senior sticks besides the length? are the flex ratings the same, eg 100 intermediate = 100 senior? and is there anything wrong with an adult using an intermediate stick? thanks!

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stupid question, but what is the main diff between intermediate sticks and senior sticks besides the length?  are the flex ratings the same, eg 100 intermediate = 100 senior?  and is there anything wrong with an adult using an intermediate stick?  thanks!

No theyre not the same. Seniors have 85, 100, and 110 flexes and Intermediate have 75 and what is it? 65 now? (In Easton terms). The seniors are a bit longer as well. Nothings wrong with a senior using an intermediate stick its just personal preference.

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If im not mistaken, Bret Hull has a very whippy stick. I forget exactly which flex, ive heard like 65. If your a good shooter, chances are you wont snap the INT stick, but if you catch an absurd amount of ice, thats when things go awry.

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I was watching a game once and before the game they inturviewed brett hull and he has showing them his new stick and anyway he was flexing it like crazy like a good 20 cm. i'm not sure which stcik it was but i think it was a TPS rubber.

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