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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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A girl

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Broads love hockey meat so you're essentially golden as sherwood said. All you have to do is let things fall into place, they always do.

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But im lyk really colse to her which sucks. My family and her whole generation family is close. Its like say my last name was coke and she was pesi. Pesi and Coke go back a long time. So its lyk shes my cuzin but shes not. But were lyk close.

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Pepsi and Coke are arch-nemesis' btw, just tell her how you feel, if nothing pans out you'll regret not making a move, and chicks love confidence, especially in that regard.

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..and hockey players. How much tang do you think soccer guys get..? I think if you are already close you can just say how you feel, casually. Don't sweat it just go out there and do your thing. Or go watch Ladies Man, that has some solid tips in it.

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I think the girl i like belives me that i didnt kiss her friend so thats good. im hoping i didnt blow my chances totally, but if i did oh well like sherwood and cavs said im a hockey player and i can get other girls

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Pepsi and Coke are arch-nemesis' btw, just tell her how you feel, if nothing pans out you'll regret not making a move, and chicks love confidence, especially in that regard.


..and hockey players. How much tang do you think soccer guys get..? I think if you are already close you can just say how you feel, casually. Don't sweat it just go out there and do your thing. Or go watch Ladies Man, that has some solid tips in it.

I know there arch-nemesis'(pesi and coke).


It's just like i guess imbarrasing to say what i fell because were so close with familys.

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There really isn’t a solid answer on this. Most of the suggestions I have seen are completely valid.

All I can says is once your comfortable with who you are the confidence shines through. People in general want to be around this as it make them feel good about themselves.

Make her feel good about herself and talk about her interest as much as possible.

Once you get in this groove it becomes very easy.

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sorry for the off topic post but i need to share my latest problem

i have girl problems up the ass right now. ok so the girl i like i find out likes me bit we didnt really know much about each other. we talked alot got to know each other more hung out a few times but she juts wanted t otake things slow. and i was fine with that. so last friday i was out with her one of her firends and a bunch of other people and she told me she didnt know how she felt about me, and at the time i was a little tipsy and i tought he said she didnt like me at all. so i said so really mean thing and so did she and i was hanging out with her friend most of the night and had my arm around her most of the night and the girl i like got pissed.

but i was am really so for all the stuff i did and said and we talked about it over the weekend and she forgave me and it was all good.

so today at school people started up the old rumor mill and started and people are saying i made out with her friend and stuff like that and some of the pople saying shit werent even there..................god i love high school

Thats nothing, trying getting piss drunk every weekend and getting with a different girl that you really wished you hadn't. While trying to start a relationship. Also don't cheat unless theres no way anyone will ever know, not worth it unless you want out.

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