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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shot/Stick ?

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I have a big problem.

During the summer I do a lot of shooting in my basement. 200-300 shots per day. And I am very accurate, however when I get on the ice my shot always flys above the net. I am using a Easton Typhoon on ice (80 flex). And I am using a E-Flex off ice(also 80). They both come up to just under my chin. Naturally I keep the Typhoon longer because I use it with skates. I am going to be getting a new stick Typhoon is crap. And I was thinking about a lower flex. Perhaps Easton St 65 flex. Is this going to cause more problems for my shot or will it help?

Please help me!!


P.S. I am 5'7" and weigh 155 lb's. I will be playing at least Midget A next year.

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Unless you're using the synthetic ice crap to shoot on, you are likely to get more drag on the surface you're shooting on in your basement then on ice (and even with the synthetic ice stuff, you can't totally recreate an on ice situation). SO, odds are, you are getting far less drag or resistance on the ice, so get a bit more forward motion behind your shots, possibly causing more follow through and sailing your shots in to the rafters.

Try to consciously limit your follow through no higher than your hip. If you were adamant to train yourself in this fashion, you could probably rig something up (by way of a rope tied to the stick or something) to help limit the follow through. Once you get used to keeping the follow through shorter, it'll become habit and you can similate it more easily on the ice.

Another thing to consider is that when shooting in your basement, you are likely shooting while standing still. However, in an actual game you are likely moving at the time, which also could account for more forward motion and a natural follow through that might be accounting for your Apollo Moon Launches.

Short of that, if none of the above works, you might try changing your blade to something less open (like a Modano or Tkachuk) just to see if the different blade face might help.

Of course, this is all just my opinion. I am not a real hockey expert - I just play one on the internet ;)

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In addition to using the "synthetic ice crap" that Ogie mentions, perhaps you can try some shots in your basement with rollerblades on, and using your ice-hockey stick. 3 other variables that I can see are:

(i) the differences in shaft materials / weights / densities. Even though both are rated as 80 flex, their masses / densities are probably different, so the lighter shaft would probably snap back faster => higher shot with Typhoon?

(ii) the difference in shaft length. The shorter stick will deflect / bow / bend less, like a slightly stiffer stick, because it is shorter => lower shot. I think that each inch that is cut off adds a certain amount to the Easton flex value; somebody put the formula on MSH before. I'm guessing that your E-Flex is about 2 inches shorter than the Typhoon; and

(iii) not being in skates, perhaps you are pushing off or bracing your feet in different points, and that affects the height of your shots.

About going to 65-flex: A guy who practices 200-300 shots per day could probably get used to the additional whippiness / less accuracy, so if you feel that it adds to your shot, go for it!

Now I want to practice 200-300 shots per day too...

Good luck with the Midget A tryouts and with your training.

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If anything, the off-ice shooting training you are doing is messing with your on-ice technique. I still believe the only reliable training for shooting should be done on the ice...especially if you're taking 200-300 shots per day. You're pretty much training yourself to play street hockey and then trying to quickly adapt once you're on the ice.

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Is doing alot of off-ice shooting really beneficial? After reading that last post by stevo I'm wondering how much good I'm doing myself. I take about 100-200 shots a day, rotating rollerblades with ice skates w/covers every other day, and I use a variety of reg. pucks, the 4 oz blue ones, and smarthockey balls. I dunno but I thought that using different pucks might make up for the different feel, from concrete to ice.

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it doesnt matter if its on ice or off ice. like four summers ago my brother and i shot 100 times a day, we alternated sets of 10. i turn my wrists and snap then when im shooting (a technique taught to me by an old coach who was a former nhl'er with a cannon) and it really really helped, id still say the strongest aspect of my game is my shot and id like to think i owe to the 100 shots a day a few summers ago, ps we did it for like three months, everyday except sundays. also when you shoot or stick handle in the basement, driveway, etc wear your gloves, because when youre on the ice/roller rink you'll have your gloves on

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ur a sniper u shouldnt ask this. lol jk

in all seriousness, roll you wrtsts over and when skating, make sure the puck is in the proper position so your not toeing it, or slicing that sucker

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Another thing to consider is that although you are taller with skates on, you're also more bent over than in shoes, so the height difference can balance out. Maybe try using the same length stick for both, or doing as suggested above and use inline skates.

As for whether or not this is beneficial to your game, at the very least you'll be developing shot strength.

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or just use the same stick , just put a piece of ducktape on the bottom of the blade so it doesnt wear out quick ........thats what i do

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another point i think to take into consideration is that although you're taller on ice and use a longer stick, your arms are the same length for on and off ice. that may play a factor, as you might be more hunched over on ice than off ice, or something entirely different

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