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Guns N' Roses

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well i've been jamming to GNR lately, i almost forgot how much i liked them. anyone else here big GNR fans? whats your fav. songs? i've been rocking out to 'civil war' and 'live and let die', later

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Besides the obvious(Welcome to jungle, sweet child o mine, paradise city), I also really like their version of Sympathy for the Devil.

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Besides the obvious(Welcome to jungle, sweet child o mine, paradise city), I also really like their version of Sympathy for the Devil.

A guy on my team would play "November Rain" on the jukebox after games. I had never heard it before, but it's a pretty good song.

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"Appetite For Destruction" is easily one of the top 5 rock CDs released in the 80's. The "Use Your Illusions" (1&2) were also a great follow up in 1991.

GnR will go down in history as a band whose greatness "shoulda been, coulda been, woulda been" cemented in history if not for Axl's ego......and a certain concert riot here in my hometown. ... :ph34r:

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Besides the obvious(Welcome to jungle, sweet child o mine, paradise city), I also really like their version of Sympathy for the Devil.

A guy on my team would play "November Rain" on the jukebox after games. I had never heard it before, but it's a pretty good song.

He's just cheap and wants 11 minutes of music for a quarter.

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A guy on my team would play "November Rain" on the jukebox after games. I had never heard it before, but it's a pretty good song.

He's just cheap and wants 11 minutes of music for a quarter.

That was a good one, Chadd!

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Paradise City, Reckless Life and Mr. Brownstone.

It's so Easy, My Michelle, Locomotive and a I really liked Izzy's solo disc. Very bluesy, similar to the first Black Crowes disc.

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guns n roses doesnt stairway as far as i know .my favorite songs are aint it funny(dead boys cover) ,dont cry ,civil war and dead horse

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Very cool cover...didn't Duff McKagan sing that? I never heard the original version but after hearing GnR cover it, my band had to sneak it into our set as well.

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G&R is my favorite band of all time....They have many great songs

November Rain

Dont Cry

Dust N' Bones

Rocket Queen

Civil War

Oh My God

Shotgun Blues

Anything Goes

You get the picture :)

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba

From http://xfm.co.uk

Guns ‘N’ Roses Album Update #1, 367

An unnamed source at Guns ‘N’ Roses’ record label Universal has confirmed that the band’s long-awaited new album ‘Chinese Democracy’ will be out by Christmas. (Yes, Christmas 2005…)

According to an employee at Universal Music Group, the new Guns ‘N’ Roses album ‘Chinese Democracy’ will be released before the end of the year.

The source is quoted as saying, "The release of 'Chinese Democracy' is being organised now but it is being dealt with by the top people," although he did admit that due to this he "Will not be able to get specific information on anything in the coming months."

When asked whether the album would see the light of day in 2005, he replied "'Chinese Democracy' will be out by Christmas. I am quite certain of that."

Whether the album is finished or this date is based on a proposed completion, it’s unknown the exact state of the album at the time of reporting. However, looking at Axl's previous record, the band’s labels Interscope and Sanctuary would be unlikely to begin a promotional schedule without being able to see the light at the end of the (extremely long) tunnel.

This news comes in the wake of a new song ‘IRS’ spreading across numerous Guns N' Roses fansites and messageboards. The song includes the chorus “Gonna call the President, Gonna call myself a Private eye, Gonna need the IRS, Gonna get the FBI†and sounds not dissimilar to vintage GNR (albeit slightly less sleazy) despite the fact that singer Axl W. Rose is the only original member left in the band’s (ever changing) line-up.

Rose – a near recluse - has been working on the new record for over seven years and the record has reportedly cost $13 million to make so far.

The album has been recorded by Rose and an undefined collection of musicians and producers, including Dizzy Reed (keyboards, programming), Robin Finck (lead guitar), Richard Fortus (rhythm guitar), Brian ‘Brain’ Mantia (drums), Chris Pitman (keyboardist, special effects) and recently departed lead guitarist Buckethead.

So what's been officially confirmed? Still nothing. But while we’re here, here’s a rumoured tracklist for the album:

1) 'Chinese Democracy'

2) 'This I Love'

3) 'I.R.S.'

4) 'Thyme'

5) 'Substitute'

6) 'The General'

7) 'Seven'

8) 'Madagascar'

9) 'Ides Of March'

10) 'Catcher In The Rye'

11) 'Leave Me Alone'

12) 'The Blues'

13) 'Closing In On You'

14) 'There Was A Time (TWAT)'

This according to melodicrock.com:

"Meanwhile, from another source - another rumoured track listing for the album, which is: Chinese Democracy . Wombosi . I.R.S. . Thyme . Greenletter . The General . Todd The Intern . Madagascar . Shameless . Catcher In The Rye . Leave Me Alone . Atlantis . Closing In On You . Velvet Rope Dope."

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