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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The ultimate Nickname-Thread

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lets see...

jackal, jackers, jackie, johan, john macenroe (from my first tennis coach :lol: ), too long, chinois, plus my classmates routine call me by the name of my other asian friends, even after 3 years :rolleyes:

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everyone on my highschool hockey team calls me dangles...guess its because i dangle around kids like whoa? :rolleyes:

thats about the only place i have a nickname...other than my girlfriend always calling me "baby and reecey" <_<

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i'm a playmaker that never shoots so everyone is always screaming at me to shoot when i get a chance and my user name also happens to be shute which sounds the same. i get a lot of "shute shoot it!" i get confused a lot when people scream shute cause i don't know if they are calling me for a pass or wanting me to shoot.

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people call me crunchberry, cranberry, n starberry cuz my name is carbery crunch is the best by far

one kids name is mark so i call him marky mark and the funky bunch cuz hes a lil chubby or D cuz his last name starts w/ d

one kids name is robbie so we call him obby for short(not really that short)

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