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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I switched departments at work today from marketing Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper to dnL. We are going to reintroduce the brand with a major rollout in distrobution as well as marketing. I have three questions for you guys.

1. Have you ever tried dnL?

2. What do you like/dislike about dnL?

3. Does it taste better (or to similar)than Mountain Dew?

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1. yes

2. it has a unique taste to it (i like that), nothing else tastes like dnL, it does give me heartburn though (dont ask me why because i dont know)

3. I would take it over moutain dew, but i'm not a big dew fan, it doesn't taste similar to dew in my opinion either

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I don't drink soda, but what is Dnl?

It is a caffeinated drink based off of 7up. It is lime green in color and has a taste in between 7up and Mountain Dew.

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i've never had dnL, but the cherry vanilla dr pepper stuff is awesome. (i drink about 7 cans of dr pepper a day, to establish my credibility.) i have a question, though: i can't find non-diet in columbus. my mom buys regular where she lives (springfield, ohio), all the time, but in columbus, it's just diet. why? and when will this change?


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1. Yes

2. Don't recall, I had it once and haven't seen it since.

3. See above

I still prefer the taste of regular Dr Pepper over everything but it's damn near twice the price by the case in grocery stores around here so I drink (too much) Coke.

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I think I liked it the few times I had it. Do they still make it? I haven't seen any commercials.

We still make it, but that is the problem. It was never officially rolled out as a new product. Currently, we are trying to identify which way we want to go as a marketing strategy. My bet is that you'll start seeing commercials on SpikeTV, MTV, MTV2, and during extreme sporting events broadcast on TV. Instead of a mainstream soft drink, we are trying to make it the more extreme version of Mountain Dew- thus the color, but it was never marketed well. Think of it as Dr. Peppers version of Surge, but hopefully with a different outcome.

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i've never had dnL, but the cherry vanilla dr pepper stuff is awesome. (i drink about 7 cans of dr pepper a day, to establish my credibility.) i have a question, though: i can't find non-diet in columbus. my mom buys regular where she lives (springfield, ohio), all the time, but in columbus, it's just diet. why? and when will this change?


Right now demand is exceeding supply. Regular Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper is being primarily in the top 25 cities by pop. Right now Dr. Pepper sales are at an all time high, therefore Cherry Vanilla is only being canned at four bottling companies at present. Should be more widely available by late Sept.

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dnl upside down is 7up, yes dnl is awesome. IMO it is way better than dew.

hey drew, anyway of hooking us up with some coupons or something ;) :P

I get a free case of Dr.Pepper/7up product each week, so if you come down to Dallas anytime soon, I can get you some free product and depending on promotions probably a T shirt or ten. By the way, I drink Vernors ginger ale anymore. It tastes strange, but like Squirt change can be good once in a while.

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I still prefer the taste of regular Dr Pepper over everything but it's damn near twice the price by the case in grocery stores around here so I drink (too much) Coke.

Prices are going to be going down shortly, due to Cadbury-Schweppes' having more US based interests since their takeover of the brand. Look for dollar off coupons on the cases by the beginning of the summer.

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i've never had dnL, but the cherry vanilla dr pepper stuff is awesome.  (i drink about 7 cans of dr pepper a day, to establish my credibility.)  i have a question, though:  i can't find non-diet in columbus.  my mom buys regular where she lives (springfield, ohio), all the time, but in columbus, it's just diet.  why?  and when will this change? 


Right now demand is exceeding supply. Regular Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper is being primarily in the top 25 cities by pop. Right now Dr. Pepper sales are at an all time high, therefore Cherry Vanilla is only being canned at four bottling companies at present. Should be more widely available by late Sept.

demand should exceed supply. you make a product that's like liquid crack. i start twitching if i go more than a couple hours without dr pepper. i would take baths in dr pepper if i could. :)


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I ahave a suggestion for the Cherry vanilla Dr. Pepper ....It needs more vanilla and or cherry.....It tastes almost like normal Dr. Pepper to me

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I ahave a suggestion for the Cherry vanilla Dr. Pepper ....It needs more vanilla and or cherry.....It tastes almost like normal Dr. Pepper to me

It taste tested better with a more subtle flavor, but I agree, the cherry and vanilla flavors should be stronger.

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I ahave a suggestion for the Cherry vanilla Dr. Pepper ....It needs more vanilla and or cherry.....It tastes almost like normal Dr. Pepper to me

It taste tested better with a more subtle flavor, but I agree, the cherry and vanilla flavors should be stronger.

I haven't tried the new Dr but the lime and vanilla coke is just way too overbearing. I'm in favor of more subtle flavors.

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I ahave a suggestion for the Cherry vanilla Dr. Pepper ....It needs more vanilla and or cherry.....It tastes almost like normal Dr. Pepper to me

It taste tested better with a more subtle flavor, but I agree, the cherry and vanilla flavors should be stronger.

I haven't tried the new Dr but the lime and vanilla coke is just way too overbearing. I'm in favor of more subtle flavors.

Than you'll like CVDP

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The coke lime actually is great....Its not that noticeable, but you still get the zing of the lime.

"You put the lime in the coke you nut"

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The coke lime actually is great....Its not that noticeable, but you still get the zing of the lime.

"You put the lime in the coke you nut"

I can understand that some people like the taste, we all differ in those regards. However if you don't think it's noticeable, you must have killed off the vast majority of your taste buds in some tragic incident with pizza that was too hot.

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LOL......how many times have you had it chadd? Its noticeable but not as much as vanilla coke

That's what I was drinking in the shop over the last week or so and I think I finished the last one late last night.

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