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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Eagle Palms

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Technically, "Clarino micro fiber suede" according to the catalog. The white really looks nice, I have two pair in the shop right now.

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okay thanks guys. how much are they chadd? and are the x70is

I have one pair of X70i white, I think the price is around 129

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I was torn between those whites and solid navy. I'm kicking myself that i went w/ the navy, those whites are so nice!!

Anyways the micro fiber suede is soft and comfortable as all hell, but they're not that great for grip on a naked stick(no candycane tape, wax etc...). I don't like my gloves/stick being too grippy so they don't bother me, but my friend can't play with them at all whatsoever...drives him nuts (he likes a lot of grippiness). Just a heads up

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I had the same grip problem on my x70 nylon. I use gorilla grip available at most tennis/baseball stores. Work like a charm on my Synthesis shaft

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Hey Chadd,What size is the other pair of white ones (not the x70i)? What palms do they have?

They are X70's, 14" or so with standard palms.

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Guest Marcelo Cordoba
x70i are 12.5"

Actually, X70i's are 13".

X70 = 14"

FUSION = 14" slim fit

X70i = 13"

X50i = 12.75"

X40 = 12"

X30 = 11"

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the shop that i bought them at said they were 12.5 ,and they do feel a little smaller than my 13" rbks

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Not every 13" glove fits the same. Yet another reason to go by fit and not by numbers.

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