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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Substitutes?

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I cant always be on skates when im shooting and my sticks are sized perfectly for me on skates. When I shoot with my sticks, since they are too long with no skates, it really screws with my form....What do you guys use to substitute for skates when your shooting off ice?

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I use roller hockey skates but i think the only other things you could do are:

cut down a stick

>>>>Click Me<<<< Slidey Matt thing for on ice feel but i never used 1

hockey skates with guards on if you only gonna stand in the same place practicing

stand on some brick? lol


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I just cut down my stick. Got a cheap 2 peice and put the same blade in it. I also use roller blades. And I have used skates with holders on them too. I have a synthetic ice mat and it really helps with the friction difference.

Sniper 94

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I use a tuuk rockey chasis, I found em cheap on ebay, but they have them at smarthockey.com with bearings and wheels, so it's not a bad deal.

I put them on a pair of nike v-9's and they're nice for all sorts of off ice stuff.

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